Black Crowes





A SOUTHERN FRIED TREAT RSM 071 'Amorica' tour 1995 Black Moon Creeping (6:21)/ Thick 'N' Thin (2:51)/ A Conspiracy (6:42)/ High Head Blues (6:56)/ Hard To Handle (3:55)/ Waiting Guilty (5:00)/ Cursed Diamond (5:50)/ Jealous Again (5:04)/ No Speak No Slave (5:00)/ She Talks To Angels (6:19)/ Wiser Time (6:42)/ Shake Your Money Maker (3:35)/ Remedy (6:41)/ P. 25 London (US 1994, 4:21)



NYC 1990

Thick & Thin/ Your Wrong/ Twice As Hard/ Sister Luck/ Jealous Guy/ Hard To Handle/ She Talks To Angels/ Jealous Again/ Strutting Blues (Time 40:32)
ALIVE IN ATLANTA POLAR BEAR RECORDS PB-041/042 Fox Theatre, Atlanta, GA April 4 1999 CD1: Go Faster/ Sting Me/ Kickin' My Heart Around/ Stare It Cold/ Go Tell The Congregation/ Thick N Thin/ Ballad In Urgency/ Wister Time/ My Morning Song/ Thorn In My Pride/ Heavy
CD2: Blackberry/ Only A Fool/ Nonfiction/ By Your Side/ Jealous Again/ No Speak No Slave/ Encore: Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye/ Twice As Hard/ Virtue Vice
AS THE CROWES FLY RARE RECORDING COLLECTION RRC 041 Houston, Texas 1993 No Speak No Slave/ Sting Me/ Hard To Handle/ My Morning Song/ Whatever Is Under The Pillow Jam/ Thorn In My Pride/ Black Moon Creeping/ Thick N' Thin/ Hotel Illness/ Stare It Cold/ Three Little Birds/ Sometimes Salvation (Time 75:20)
AUSTRALIAN SALVATION TURTLE RECORDS TR-65 Sydney, Australia June 1992 Sometimes Salvation/ Thorn In My Pride/ Hotel Illness/ Hard To Handle/ My Morning Song (Time 34:18)
BLACK DEVILS TUBE TUCD 026 Tracks 1-6 Grugenhalle, Essen November 1996
Tracks 7-10 Palalido, Milano February 4 1997
One Million Too Many/ Bring On, Bring On/ Evil Eye/ Shake Your Money Maker/ Ballad In Urgency/ Non Fiction/ Downtown Money Waste, Let Me Share The Ride, Mellow Down Easy/ Girl Of The North Country/ Blackberry/ The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
BLACK MOON OVER WALES SILVER RARITIES SIRA 94/95 Newport November 17 1992 CD1: No Speak/ Morning Song/ Sting Me/ Hard To Handle/ Thome N Pride/ Bad Luck/ Twice As Hard/ Black Moon/ Sometimes Salvation/ Thick ‘N’ Thin/ Stare It Cold
CD2: Swallow/ Jealous/ Remedy
BLACK MOON RISING ROCKDREAMS ROCKS 92055 USA 1992 Thick 'N' Thin (2:30)/ You're Wrong (4:46)/ Twice As Hard (3:56)/ Keep The Devil Outta Me (5:02)/ Sister Luck (5:01)/ Jealous Guy (4:29)/ Hard To Handle (3:02)/ You're Such A Pity (6:05)/ Could I've Been So Blind (3:25)/ Stare It Cold (4:26)/ Jealous Again (5:39)/ It's A Sin (4:21)/ Struttin' Blues (4:31)
BLACK 'N' BLUE KISS THE STONE KTSO36 Tracks 1-6 Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club, Soho, London June 20 1991
Tracks 7-13 City Hall, Sheffield October 13 1991
Jealous Again (5:41)/ You're Wrong (5:56)/ Seeing Things For The First Time (6:37)/ Boomer's Story (5:06)/ Live Too Fast Blues (3:20)/ She Talks To Angels (6:32)/ Twice As Hard (4:22)/ Thick & Thin (3:38)/ Having A Good Time (8:18)/ Seeing Things For The First Time (7:08)/ She Talks To Angels (6:31)/ Could I Have Been So Blind? (4:10)/ Hard To Handle (3:40)
BLESSED CHLOROFORM EPL-CD 1000-0055/6 CD1 The Meanfiddler, London, England October 31 1994
CD2 Meanfiddler, London, England November 1 1994
CD1: Hotel Illness (4:33)/Tied Up And Swallowed (5:07)/ Could I've Been So Blind (6:35)/ My Morning Song (13:04)/ Ballard In Urgency (5:18)/ P-25 London/ No Speak No Slave (6:15)/ Wiser Time (7:28)/The High Head Blue (4:28)/A Conspiracy (5:05)/ Sting Me (5:29)/ Feelin' Alright (5:17)/Remedy (6:33)
CD2: Hard To Handle (5:03)/ Bad Luck, Blue Eyes Goodbye (7:51)/ Non Fiction (4:30)/ Long Time Gone (10:01)/ Jealous Again (6:49)/ She Talks To Angels (9:05)/ A Thorn In My Pride (10:40)/ Black Moon Creeping (7:56)/ Twice As Hard (4:51)/ Stare It Cold (5:23)
BLESSED IN CHLOROFORM RED PHANTOM RPCD 1191 Europe 1994 Gone (5:22)/ Hotel Illness (4:19)/ Tied Up And Swallowed (5:53)/ Could I've Been So Blind (6:39)/ My Morning Song (13:07)/ Ballad In Urgency (5:20)/ P25-London (3:46)/ No Speak No Slave (6:10)/ Wiser Time (7:13)/ High Head Blues (4:11)/A Conspiracy (4:54)/ Sting Me (4:55)/ Remedy (6:27)
BOOGIE WITH CROWS SHOUT TO THE TOP STTP 023/024 January 27 1999 CD1: Introduction/ Remedy/ Go Faster/ Sting Me/ Hotel Illness/ Kickin' My Heart/ Sometime Salvation/ Morning Song (includes Whole Lotta Love)/ Heavy/ Blackberry
CD2: Thick N' Thin/ Wiser Time/ By Your Side/ Jealous Again/ No Speak No Slave/ She Talks To Angeles/ Twice As Hard/ Virtue And Viexpe
CROAKING CROWS FLASHBACK FB0171 Greek Theatre, LA June 15 1991 Twice As Hard/ Thick 'N' Thin/ Stare It Cold/ Seeing Things/ Sister Luck/ Hard To Handle/ Could I Have Been So Blind/ Shake 'Em/ She Talks To Angels/ Dreams/ Jealous Again (Time 73:21)
CROWES IN PARADISE BLACK EAGLE BE 005 Paradiso, Amsterdam July 7 1993 Jealous Again (4:58)/ Sting Me (5:22)/ My Morning Song (11:03)/Thorn In My Pride (20:45)/ Remedy (15:15)/ Jealous Again (unplugged 1992, 5:10)/ She Talks To Angels (unplugged 1992, 6:05)/ Sister Luck (Daytona Beach 1993, 4:55)/ Twice As Hard (Numberg Rock Festival 1993, 4:01)
DARLINGS OF THE UNDERGROUND PRESS IMPROVISATION LABEL 1L-366807 Tracks 1-8 recorded at Ronnie Scott's, London, England June 1991 at secret acoustic gig
Tracks 9-13 recorded in LA 1991
Jealous Again/ You're Wrong/ Seeing Things The Very First Time/ Boomer's Story/ Live Too Fast Blues/ She Talks To The Angels/ A Thorn In My Pride/ Darling Of The Underground Press/ Thick And Thin/ Jealous Guy/ Hard To Handle/ Struttin' Blues
FIVE LITTLE BIRDS HAPPY RECORD SK 2 Tracks 1-10 Europe December 6 1992
Tracks 11-12 Saturday Night Live January 23 1993
Track 13 Good Rockin' Tonite Show 1990
Track 14 David Letterman Show October 9 1990
Track 15 Arsenio Hall Show November 2 1990
Sting Me/ Sister Luck/ Bad Moon Creeping/ Twice As Hard/ Thick & Thin/ Hotel Illness/ Stare It Cold/ Three Little Birds/ Jealous Again/ Remedy/ Thick & Thin/ She Talks To Angels/ Interview/ Hard To Handle/ Jealous Again (Time 73:14)
FROSTBITE JUBILEE BLY006/7 '1st Avenue', Minneapolis 1994 CD1: Gone/ Twice As Hard/ Hotel Illness/ High Head Blues/ Morning Song/ Descending/ Non-Fiction/ Sting Me
CD2: Black Moon/ P-25 London/ Hard To Handle/ Jealous Again/ Seein' Things/ Wiser Time/ Mellow Down/ Remedy
HANDLE WITH CARE MAGIC MUSHROOM RECORDS MMR-CD 9105 Landgraaf Dutch Pink Pop Festival April. 6 1990 Thick And Thin (2:36)/ You're Wrong (5:18)/ Twice As Hard (3:22)/ Sister Luck (5:28)/ Jealous Guy (3:28)/ Hard To Handle (2:36)/ She Talks To Angels (6:21)/ Jealous Again (4:10)/ Struttin' Blues (4:10)/ You're Wrong (5:02)/ Twice As Hard (4:12)/ Sister Luck (5:14)/ Jealous Guy (4:36)/ Hard To Handle (3:25)/ Stare It Cold (4:42)/ Jealous Again (4:56)/ Struttin' Blues (4:26)
HARD TO HANDLE PLUTO RECORDS PLR CD 9128 LA June 151991 Twice As Hard/ Thick 'N' Thin/ Stare It Cold/ Seeing Things/ Sister Luck/ Hard To Handle/ Could I've Been So Blind/ Shake Your Money Maker/ Get Back/ Struttin' Blues/ She Talks To Angels/ Dreams/ Jealous Again (Time 78:53)
HARD TO HANDLE PLUTO RECORDS PLR CD 9128 LA June 15 1991 Twice As Hard/ Thick NT Thin/ Stare It Cold/ Seeing Things/ Sister Luck/ Hard To Handle/ Could I’ve Been So Blind/ Shake Your Money Maker/ Get Back/ Struttin' Blues/ She Talks To Angels/ Dreams/ Jealous Again (Time 78:53)
HIGH HEAD BLUES KISS THE STONE KTS 414 Live January 1995 Conspiracy (7:00)/ High Head Blues (7:19)/ Sister Luck (5:46)/ Hard To Handle (4:10)/ Cursed Diamond (5:59)/ Jealous Again (5:25)/ Remedy (6:43)
HIGH IN HOUSTON KISS THE STONE KTS 163/64 Houston 1993 CD1: No Speak No Slave (5:20)/ Sting Me (6:47)/ Hard To Handle (4:40)/ My Morning Song (9:17)/ Jam (7:40)/Thorn In My Pride (12:38)/ Bad Luck Blue Eyes, Goodbye (7:00)/Twice As Hard (4:31)
CD2: Black Moon Creeping (6:42)/ Thick N' Thin (3:24)/ Hotel Illness (4:10)/ Stare It Cold (3:51)/ Three Little Birds (6:28)/ Sometimes Salvation (4:58)/ Jealous Again (5:35)/ Remedy (11:48)
HIGHER THAN THE MOON ROCKS OF ROCK ROR 001 London November 28-29 1992 My Morning Song/ Hotel Illness/ Sting Me/ Seeing Things/ Band Intros/ Twice As Hard/ Black Moon Creeping/ Sometimes Salvation/ Hard To Handle/ Remedy/ Shake 'Em On Down
IT'S A TRIP Y'ALL SYLPH RECORDS SP-72601235 Shibuya Koukaido, Tokyo, Japan July 26 2001 CD1: No Speak No Slave/ Greasy Grass River/ Ozone/ Sometimes Salvation/ Remedy/ Lickin’/ Seeing Things/ Miracle To Me/ High Head Blues/ Soul Singing
CD2: My Morning Song/ Nonfiction/ By Your Side/ Jealous Again/ Young Man Old Man/ Cosmic Friend/ She Talks To Angels/ Twice As Hard
JUDGE & JURY ROCKDREAMS ROCKS 92071 Tracks 1-6 Ahoy, Rotterdam December 1 1992
Tracks 7-14 Nighttown, Rotterdam September 19 1991
No Speak No Slave (4:41)/ Sister Luck (5:18)/ Sometimes Salvation (4:36)/ Sting Me (4:31)/ Stare It Cold (4:22)/ Remedy (9:46)/ Twice As Hard (4:12)/Thick 'N Thin (2:54)/ Stare It Cold (6:30)/ Seeing Things For The First Time (5:46)/ Sister Luck (5:23)/ Hard To Handle (3:16)/ She Talks To Angels (5:56)/ Jealous Again (5:16)
LIVE IN NEW YORK SLEDGEHAMMER RECORDS 30005 Beacon Theatre, New York August 25 1992 No Speak No Slave/ Sting Me/ Twice As Hard/ Thick N' Thin/ Sister Luck/ Black Moon Creeping/ Hotel Illness/ Hard To Handle/ Stare It Cold/ She Talks To Angels/ Remedy/ Jealous Again
MADNESS DRIPPING SYLPH RECORDS SP-72701234 Shibuya Koukaido, Tokyo July 27 2001 CD1: Introduction/ Midnight From The Inside Out/ Black Moon Creeping/ Greasy Grass River/ Cypress Tree/ Evil Eye/ Remedy/ Lickin' Losing My Mind/ Sister Luck/ Come On/ Soul Singing
CD2: My Morning Song/ Thorn In My Pride/ Horsehead/ Hard To Handle/ Young Man Old Man/ Cosmic Friend/ Bad Luck Blue Eyes/ Goodbye/ Oh Well
NEWPORT 1992 THE SWINGIN' PIG TSP 206-2 Newport, Rhode Island November 19 1992 CD1: No Speak No Slave/ My Morning Song/ Sting Me/ Hard To Handle/ Jam/ Thorn In My Pride
CD2: Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye/ Black Moon Creeping/ Sometimes Salvation/ Thick 'N' Thin/ Stare It Cold/ Three Little Birds/ You're Wrong/ Jealous Again
OUT OF THE CROWES NEST BLUE MOON RECORDS BMCD35 Tracks 1-4 garage demos 1986
Tracks 5-7 A&M demos, Chapel Hill, NC October 1987
Tracks 8-11 studio demos 1988
Tracks 12-13 National Studios, NYC 1990
Tracks 14-16 basement acoustic gig 1990
Tracks 17-18 acoustic rehearsal 1990
Mercenary Man/ Karel The Psychic/ If/ Medicine/ Redneck Blues/ It's Not Fair/ Your Definition/ The Long Day/ Serving Time/ Redneck Blues/ It's Not Fair/ Jealous Again/ She Talks To Angels/ You're Wrong/ She Talks To Angels/ Jealous Again/ She Talks To Angels/ You're Wrong (Time 75:31)
Tracks 5-7 A&M demos, NYC October 1987
Tracks 8-11 studio demos 1988
Tracks 12-14 National Studios, NYC 1990
Tracks 15-17 acoustic 1990
Tracks 18-19 acoustic rehearsal 1990
Mercenary Man/ Karel The Psychic/ If/ Medicine/ Redneck Blues/ It's Not Fair/ Your Definition/ The Long Day/ Serving Time/ Redneck Blues/ It's Not Fair/ Jealous Again/ She Talks To Angels/ You're Wrong/ She Talks To Angels/ Jealous Again/ She Talks To Angels/ You're Wrong
PRAISE FOR THE SOUND SYLPH RECORDS SP-72601235 Zepp Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan July 30 2001 CD1: Introduction/ Midnight From The Inside Out/ No Speak No Slave/ Greasy Grass River/ Nebekanezer/ Remedy/ Lickin'/ Sister Luck/ Ballad In Urgency/ Wiser Time/ Soul Singing
CD2: My Morning Song/ Nonfiction/ Twice As Hard/ Young Man Old Man/ Cosmic Friend/ Under A Mountain/ Virtue And Vice
SHAKE 'EM ON DOWN HOWDY RECORDS CD 555-10 LA June 1991 part 1 Twice As Hard/ Thick & Thin/ You're Wrong/ Stare It Cold/ Seeing Things/ Sister Luck/ Hard To Handle/ Could I Have Been So Blind?/ Shake 'Em On Down/ Get Back, Thank You For Letting Me Be Myself Again, Walk With Jesus (medley) (Time 59:33)
SO GET ON UP OUT SYLPH RECORDS SP-73101236 Osaka Kouseinenkin, Kaikan, Japan July 31 2001 CD1: Introduction/ Midnight From The Inside Out/ A Conspiracy/ Greasy Grass River/ Come On/ Sting Me/ Cursed Diamond/ Remedy/ Lickin'/ Losing My Mind/ Ballad In Urgency/ Wiser Time
CD2: Soul Singing/ Thorn In My Pride/ Horsehead/ Accidental Jam (bass trouble)/ Jealous Again/ Young Man Old Man/ Cosmic Friend/ She Talks To Angels/ Virtue And Vice
SOMETHING TO CROWE ABOUT REA LIVE RL CD 25 Tracks 1-10 Sam Houston Coliseum, Houston February 6 1993
Tracks 11-12 Marquee Club, New York June 21 1990
My Morning Song (8:04)/ Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye (6:32)/ Twice As Hard (4:35)/ Black Moon Creeping (6:33)/ Hotel Illness (3:53)/ Stare It Cold (3:54)/Thorn In My Pride (11:58)/ Sometimes Salvation (4:54)/ Jealous Again (5:36)/ Remedy (11:37)/ Hard To Handle (3:04)/ She Talks To Angles (5:38)
SONGS OF THE FLESH KISS THE STONE KTS 444 Live January 1995 Black Moon Creeping/ Thick 'N Thin/ A Conspiracy/ High Head Blues/ Hard To Handle/ Waitin' Guilty/ Cursed Diamond/ Jealous Again/ No Speak No Slave/ She Talks To Angels/ Wiser Time/ Shake Your Money Maker/ Remedy (Time 71:04)
SOUL SOAKED TEDDY BEAR TB 53 Various locations 1990/1993 You're Wrong (5:54)/ Boomer's Story (5:24)/ Live Too Fast Blues (3:20)/ Having A Good Time (8:29)/ Hard To Handle (3:50)/ Jam (7:40)/ Three Little Birds (6:04)/ Get Back (5:12)/ Dreams (9:06)/ Jealous Guy (4:34)/ Soul - Soaked (5:46)
SPECIAL DELIVERY NIKKO NK 003 Los Angeles, CA 1992 My Morning Song/ Hotel Illness/ Sting Me/ Seeing Things For The First Time/ Twice As Hard/ Black Moon Creeping/ Sometimes Salvation/ Hard To Handle/ Remedy (Time 57:35)
STARE IT COLD KISS THE STONE KTS 144 Tracks 1-5 Sydney, Australia June 1992
Tracks 6-12 Beacon Theatre, New York August 26 1992
Sometimes Salvation (5:34)/Thorn In My Pride (10:59)/ Hotel Illness (4:16)/ Hard To Handle (3:51)/ My Morning Song (9:37)/ No Speak No Slave (4:54)/ Sting Me (4:42)/ Thick n' Thin (3:00)/ Black Moon Creeping (6:13)/ Stare It Cold (9:24)/ Remedy (7:18)/Jealous Again (6:59) (Time 76:52)
STONE THE CROWES BABY CAPONE BC 009/2 Houston, Texas February 6 1993 CD1: Intro (1:57)/ No Speak No Slave (3:13)/ Sting Me (7:00)/ Hard To Handle (4:40)/ My Morning Song (9:34)/ Thorn's Progress (7:46)/ Thorn In My Pride (11:30)/ Bad Luck Blue Eyes Goodbye (7:00)/ Twice As Hard (4:30)/ Black Moon Creeping (6:30)/ Thick 'N' Thin (3:30)/ Hotel Illness (4:00)
CD2: Stare It Cold (4:00)/ Three Little Birds (5:42)/ Sometimes Salvation (5:30)/ Jealous Again (5:50)/ Remedy (11:36)/ Seeing Things (7:02)/ Sister Luck (5:47)/ Shake 'Em (14:41)/ She Talks To Angles (6:46)/ Dreams (8:42)
SUNFLOWERS MOONRAKER 106 The Music Hall, Cologne, Germany, February 3 1995 Ballad In Urgency/ Wiser Time/ Hard To Handle/ Jealous Again/ Stare It Cold/ Remedy/ Champagne & Reefer (Time 41:51)
TALKING TO ANGELS HOWDY RECORDS CD 555-11 LA June 1991 part 2 She Talks To Angels/ Dreams, Jealous Again/ Thick & Thin/ You're Wrong/ Twice As Hard/ Sister Luck/ Jealous Guy/ Hard To Handle/ She Talks To Angels/ Jealous Again/ Struttin Blues (Time 61:11)
TALLER KISS THE STONE KTS 376 Europe 1994 Conspiracy/ P. 25 London/ Wiser Time/ She Talks To Angels/ Remedy/ Nonfiction/ Long Time Gone/ Jealous Again/Thorn In My Pride/ Intro/ Black Moon Creeping/ Twice As Hard/ Thick N' Thin/ Stare It Cold (Time 77:24)
THE HALLOWEEN SECRET TEDDY BEAR TB 81 London 'Secret Gig' October 31 1994 Gone (5:35)/ Hotel Illness (4:13)/ Tied Up And Swallowed (5:33)/ Been So Blind (5:50)/ Ballad In Urgency (5:48)/ P.25 London (4:14)/ No Speak No Slave (5:28)/ Wiser Time (8:00)/ The High Head Blues (4:30)/ Conspiracy (5:20)/ Sting Me (4:38)/ Feeling Allright (5:00)/ Remedy (7:14)
THE RAVEN SHINOLASH 69035 Live USA 1991-1993 Jealous Guy/ She Talks To Angels/ Hard To Handle/ Sting Me/ My Morning Song/ Thorn In My Pride/ Jealous Again/ Sister Luck/ Struttin' Blues/ No Speak No Slave/ Twice As Hard/ Sometimes Salvation/ Thick And Thin (Time 69:14)
THE SOUTHERN GIG ON TOUR 20109 University Centre, Hammond, LA February 4 1993 No Speak No Slave (5:23)/ Sting Me (4:57)/ Hard To Handle (4:17)/ My Morning Song (4:08)/ My Morning Song (reprise - 6:08)/ Seeing Things (7:09)/Twice As Hard (4:28)/ Hotel Illness (3:51)/ Jealous Again (5:17)/ Stare It Cold (8:33)/ She Talks To Angels (6:48)/ Tied Up And Swallowed (5:39)/Remedy (12:12)
TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE RED PHANTOM RPCD 1102 Beacon Theatre, New York August 26 1992 No Speak No Slave/ Sting Me/ Twice As Hard/ Thick 'N Thin/ Sister Luck/ Black Moon Creeping/ Hotel Illness/ Hard To Handle/ Stare It Cold/ She Talks To Angels/ Remedy/ Jealous Again (Time 72:19)
UNWIRED OCTOPUS OCTO 100 Tracks 1-8 Ronnie Scott's, London June 20 1991
Tracks 9-10 MTV Unplugged 1992
Tracks 11-12 Mean Fiddler, London November 1 1994
Jealous Again (6:01)/ Your Wrong (6:12)/ Seeing Things (6:49)/ Boomer's Story (5:21)/ Live Too Fast Blues (3:31)/ She Talks To Angels (9:05)/ Thorn In My Pride (7:24)/ Darling Of The Underground Press (4:25)/ Jealous Again (5:09)/ She Talks To Angels (6:15)/ Non Fiction (4:35)/ Long Time Gone (7:01)

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