Fleetwood Mac








Side 1: Station Man/ Spare Me A Little/ Rhiannon/ Landslide (23:25)
Side 2: I'm So Afraid/ World Turning/ Don't You Let Me Down Again/ Hypnotized (28:15)
* Live
Side 1: Watchdevil (3:55)/ Spare Me A Little (4:45)*/ Secret Love (3:18)/ Without You (3:34)
Side 2: Storms (14:40)/ Landslide (3:26)*
Side 3: Nomad (2:08)/ I'm So Afraid (5:04)*/ Designs Of Love (3:10)/ You Could Forget (3:04)/ Silver Springs (4:24)
Side 4: Sorcerer (4:30)/ Goldfish And Ladybug (2:55)/ Rhiannon (7:20)*/ Cathouse Blues (1:42)
BERMUDA TRIANGLE   Los Angeles, CA Autumn 1974 Green Manalishi/ Angel/ Spare Me A Little Of Your Love/ Sentimental Lady/ Future Games/ Why/ Bermuda Triangle/ Hypnotized (Time 49:01)
BLUES WITH A FEELING MOBY DICK RECORDS MDCD 004 London 1968-1969 Albatross/ Preachin' The Blues/ Blues With A Fellin'/ Tallahassee Lassie/ Man Of The World/ Jumping At Shadows/ Linda/ Oh Well/ The Sun Is Shining/ Only You/ I Need Your Love/ You're A Mean Mistreater, Mama/ Whole Lotto Love/ Talk With You/ Mean Old World (Time 46:58)
DON'T YOU LET ME DOWN AGAIN LOBSTER CD 026 Capitol Theatre, Passaic May 1975 Station Man/ Spare Me A Little Of Your Love/ Rhiannon/ Landslide/ I'm So Afraid/ World Turning/ Don't You Let Me Down Again/ Hypnotized (Time 49:40)
FAREWELL MONTSERRAT RECORDS BRCD 1932   Underway (full length version April 1969)/ Madge Session 1 (April 1969)/ Madge Session 2 (April 1969)/ Madge Session 3 (unreleased)/ That's What I Want To Know ('Then Play On' alternate January 1969)/ Oh Well (unreleased autumn 1969 session)/ Love It Seems (unreleased autumn 1969 session)/ Mighty Cold (unissued instrumental reworking of Driftin' from 'Dog And Dustbin' session)/ Fast Talking Woman Blues (unreleased autumn 1969 session)/ Tell Me From The Start (autumn 1969 unreleased instrumentals)/ October Jam I (autumn 1969 unreleased instrumental)/ October Jam II (autumn 1969 unreleased instrumental)/ Green Manalishi (unissued alternate version)/ World In Harmony (unissued alternate version)/ Farewell (unreleased demo of 'Earl Grey’ April 1970)
FINAL REHEARSAL FOR 1979 TOUR FIRE POWER FP-033 Recorded on a Hollywood soundstage in front of about 200 guests Oh Well/ Dreams/ Not That Funny/ Rhiannon/ Over & Over/ Never Gonna Make It/ You Make Lovin' Fan/ World Turning
FLEETWOOD MAC SMILING EAR SE 2-7721 Live Side 1: I'm So Afraid (4:45)/ Oh Well (2:50)/ World Turning (8:32)
Side 2: Just Like You Used To Be (3:40)/ Green Manalishi (4:37)/ Homework (3:27)/ World In Harmony (3:27)
Side 3: Station Man (5:40)/ Spare Me A Little (4:34)/ Rhiannon (6:17)
Side 4: Why (3:55)/ Landslide (3:23)/ Over My Head (2:55)/ Green Manalishi (5:42)
FLEETWOOD MAC CLOSDUVAL RECS. 5581 Cottonbowl 1978 Side 1: You Make Loving Fun/ I'm So Afraid/ World Turning
Side 2: Oh Daddy/ Never Going Back Again/ Landslide/ Say You Love Me
Side 3: The Chain/ Dreams/ Oh Well/ Rhiannon
Side 4: Gold Dust Woman/ You Make Loving Fun/ Blue Letter
FLEETWOOD MAC PLAY THE CITY OF THE ANGELS TAKRL 922 Aladdin Theatre For The Performing Arts, Las Vegas. Entire August 25 1977 show Side 1: Say You Love Me/ Dreams/ Oh! Well/ Rhiannon/ Go Your Own Way/ I'm So Afraid
Side 2: Oh Daddy/ Never Going Back Again/ Landslide/ Over My Head/ Gold Dust Woman/ You Make Lovin' Fun
HOLLYWOOD TOASTED 2S915   Side 1 & Side 2: Another screw up by this label. This is Chick Corea 'Gum-Bichromate: An Adaptable Antique' (Allied Prod. 045)
Side 3: Rhiannon/ Why? / Landslide/ Over My Head/ Silversprings/ Farmer's Daughter
Side 4: Oh Well/ Homework/ World In Harmony/ Green Manalishi
HYPNOTIZED PONTIAC Ultrasonic Studios, Hempstead, NY October 8 1974 Green Manalishi (5:26)/ Spare Me A Little (4:15)/ Sentimental Lady (3:43)/ Future Games (5:52)/ Bermuda Triangle (9:39)/ Why (4:51)/ Angel (6:00)/ Homeward Bound (5:30)/ The Rattle (1:56)/ Rattlesnake Shake (8:19)/ Hypnotized (6:19)/ Black Magic Woman (9:26)/ Mystery To Me (3:04) (Time 74:27)
IN CONCERT 1975 SUPER GOLDEN RADIO SHOWS 003 Passaic Studios 1975 Introduction (0:34)/ Station Man (6:02)/ Spare Me A Little (4:16)/ Rhiannon (7:25)/ Landslide (3:29)/ I'm So Afraid (5:09)/ World Turning (8:38)/ (Don't You) Let Me Down Again (4:01)/ Hypnotized (9:33)
LAZY POKER BLUES MONTSERRAT RECORDS BRCD 1931 All unreleased studio material sources
Tracks 1-5 August 1968 unissued studio outtakes with 4-piece band
Track 6 unreleased master
Tracks 7-10 cancelled Milton Schlitz EP October 1968 session
Track 9 with 5-piece band
Tracks 11-14 'Then Play On' session NY January 1969
Track 15 full length version early 1969
Track 16 -all guitars Danny Kirwin - unissued version April 1969
Track 17 'Then Play On' outtake with slide solo, 1969 NY - demo alternate with false start
Intro, Lazy Poker Blues/ My Baby's Sweeter/ Love That Burns/ Talk To Me Baby/ Every Day I Have The Blues I/ Jeremy's Contribution To Doo-Wop/ Everyday I Have The Blues II/ Death Bells/ Watch For Yourself Mr. Jones/ Man Of Action/ Do You Give A Dam For Me/ Man Of The World/ Like It This Way/ Blues In B Flat Minor/ Someone's Gotta Get Their Head Kicked In Tonight/ Although The Sun Is Shining/ Show Bizz Blues
LIVE AT MARQUEE CLUB 1967 ROCKET SOUND RS-1004 Marquee Club, London 1967 Talk To Me Baby (I Can't Hold Out)/ Held My Baby Last Night/ My Baby Sweet/ Looking For Somebody/ Long Grey Mare/ Got To Move/ Got No Place To Go/ Love That Woman/ Mighty Long Time/ Dust My Broom/ I Need You/ Shake Your Money Maker (Time 53:08)
LIVE IVORY VINYL DREAMS VD-801001 November 1979 Side 1: Not That Funny (4:31)/ Over & Over (5:29)/ Sara (7:50)/ What Makes You Think You're The One (4:14)
Side 2: Save Me A Place (3:23)/ Tusk (5:00)/ Angel (5:29)/ Sisters Of The Moon (6:36)
MAN OF THE WORLD/ SILVER SPRINGS DJM RECS. DJUS 1008   Side 1: Man Of The World (2:50) (1969. Exm)
Side 2: Silver Springs (4:33) (1976, Exs)
MERELY A PORTMANTEAU TAKRL 1906 Side 1 Santa Monica Civic Aud. 1968
Side 2 BBC 1970
Side 1: Rattlesnake Shake; Underway (16:07)/ Tiger (3:25)/ The Green Manalishi (8:34)
Side 2: Station Man (7:22)/ Tell Me All The Things You Do (18:42)
NEXT STOP: MAIN ROAD RED PHANTOM RPCD 2040/2041 Maine Road, Manchester August 25 1990 CD1: The Chain/ Dreams/ Isn't It Midnight/ Oh Well/ Rhiannon/ Stop Messin Around/ Save Me/ Gold Dust Woman/ I Loved Another Woman/ Landslide/ World Turing (Time 75:43)
CD2: Intro/ Everywhere/ Stand On The Rock/ Little Lies/ Stand Back/ You Make Lovin Fun/ Go Your Own Way/ Tear It Up/ Don't Stop/ Intro/ Gold Dust Woman/ Gate & Garden/ Now Still My Love/ Outside The/ Dreams/ Stop Dragging My Heart Around (Time 72:56)
OFFHAND FLAT 8225 San Francisco 1973 Side 1: Future Games/ Angel/ Spare Me A Little/ Sentimental Lady
Side 2: Green Manalishi/ Black Magic Woman/ Oh Well/ Hypnotized
ORIGINAL MASTER RECORDING REPRIEVE 076 Wallingford, Connecticut 12/1/1976 Get Like You Used To Be/ Station Man/ Spare Me A Little Of Your Love/ Rhiannon/ Why/ Landslide/ Over My Head/ I'm So Afraid/ Oh Well, Green Manalishi/ World Turning
RHIANNON GRC 001   The Chain/ Gypsy/ You Make Lovin' Fun/ So Afraid/ Blue Letter/ Love Away/ Not That Funny/ Rhiannon/ Tusk/ Eyes Of The World/ Go Your Own Way/ Sister On The Moon/ Songbird
ROUGHAGE '69 DISCURIOSDIS 113 CD   Merry-Go-Round/ One Sided Love/ Dust My Broom/ Go To Move/ Sugar Mama/ Can't Hold Out/ Stop Messin' Around/ San Jose/ Albatross/ Blue Suede Shoes (Time 53:48)
RUMOURS ARE RAMPANT MAIN STREAM MAST-23 'Rumours' demos and outtakes Second Hand News/ Oh Daddy/ Go Your Own Way/ Silver Springs I/ Gold Dust Woman I/ Gold Dust Woman 11/ Think About Me/ Don't Stop/ I Don't Want To Know/ The Chain (instrumental)/ You Make Loving Fun/ Songbird/ Dreams/ Never Going Back Again/ The Chain/ The Dealer/ Silver Springs II (Time 71:30)
SAUSALITO 74 FLEETFOOT SOUNDS Rare recordings from the Record Plant, Sausalito 1974 Green Manalishi/ Angel/ Spare Me A Little/ Sentimental Lady/ Sentimental Lady, Future Games, Bob Rap/ Bermuda/ Why/ Believe Me/ Black Magic Woman/ Oh Well/ Pre-Shake Blues And Band Intros/ Rattle Snake Shake/ Hypnotized/ Mystery To Me
SHINE ANGEL MAIN STREAM MSBR-030/031 CD1-CD2 tracks 1-5 Missouri Arena, Missouri November 1979
CD2 tracks 6-14 Oakland Arena, Oakland,
California 1982
CD1: Say You Love Me/ The Chain/ Dreams/ Not That Funny/ Over And Over/ Oh Well/ What Makes You Think You're The One/ Oh Daddy/ Save A Place/ Landslide/ Tusk/ Angel/ You Make Loving Fun/ I'm So Afraid (Time 67:42)
CD2: World Turning/ Go Your Own Way/ Sister Of The Moon/ Blue Letter/ Song Bird/ Second Hand News/ Don't Stop/ Rhiannon/ Gypsy/ Love In Store/ Never Going Back/ Blues Of The World/ Sara/ Hold Me (Time 71:33)
SHOW BIZ BLUES TENDOLAR TDR-082 Tracks 1-4 BBC 1968-1969
Tracks 5-7 BBC 1970
Tracks 8-12 Boston Tea Party 1968
Tracks 13-16 demos for 'Kiln House' 1970
Whole Lotta Love/ Talk To You/ Mean Old World/ I Need Your Love/ Phyllis/ Like A Tiger/ Green Manalishi/ Oh, Well/ Black Magic Woman/ Only You/ I Can't Hold Out/ Jennie, Jennie/ When Will I Be Loved/ When I See My Baby/ Doin All Right/ Purple Dancer
SIN CITY 77 MAC 1-DRAGONFLY Aladdin Theatre For The Performing Arts. Las Vegas. Entire August 25 1977 show Side 1: Say You Love Me/ Dreams/ Oh Well/ Rhiannon
Side 2: Oh Daddy/ Never Going Back Again/ Landslide/ Over My Head/ Gold Dust Woman
Side 3: You Make Loving Fun/ I'm So Afraid/ Go Your Own Way/ World Turning
Side 4: Blue Letter/ The Chain/ Second Hand News/ Songbird
SONGBIRD IN OSAKA 1980 MASTERPORT-046 Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan February 16 1980 CD1: Opening/ Say You Love Me/ The Chain/ Don't Stop/ Dreams/ Oh Well/ Rhiannon/ Oh Daddy/ What Makes You Think You're The One/ Sarah
CD2: Not That Funny/ Never Going Back Again/ Landslide/ Tusk/ Angel/ You Make Loving Fun/ I'm So Afraid/ World Turning/ Go Your Own Way/ Encore: Sisters Of The Moon/ Songbird
STAGE PRIVATE MASTER 017/18 Budokan, Tokyo, Japan December 5 1977 CD1: Introduction (1:39)/ Say You Love Me (4:17)/ Monday Morning (4:12)/ Dreams (4:27)/ Oh Well (3:20)/ Rhiannon (8:50)/ Oh Daddy (5:32)/ Never Going Back Again (2:53)/ Landslide (4:35)/ Over My Head (3:48)/ Gold Dust Woman (9:32)/ You Make Loving Fun (4:46)
CD2: I'm So Afraid (5:54)/ Go Your Own Way (6:30)/ World Turning (8:16)/ Blue Letter (5:25)/ The Chain (6:30)/ Second Hand News (3:49)/ Songbird (4:20)
STATION MEN OH BOY 1-9070 Passaic Studios 1975 Station Men (7:06)/ Spare Me A Little (4:32)/ Rhiannon (7:54)/ Landslide (3:24)/ I'm So Afraid (5:16)/ World Turning (8:57)/ Don't Let Me Down Again (4:01)/ Hypnotised (7:36)
THE BBC SESSIONS THE EARLY YEARS 02-CD 3316   Need Your Love So Bad (3:43)/ Shake Your Money-maker (2:35)/ Stop Messin' Round (2:10)/ Long Grey Mare (2:46)/ Baby Please Set A Date (2:53)/ Blues With A Feeling (2:48)/ Tallahassee Lassie (3:16)/ Man Of The World (2:45)/ Jumping At Shadows (3:30)/ Linda (1:59)/ O Well (2:20)/ medley: Rattlesnake Shake. Underway (13:05)
THE ROCKHOPPERS LIVE 1976 ZAP 7858   Side 1: Station Man/ Spare Me A Little/ Rhiannon/ Landslide (23:25)
Side 2: I'm So Afraid/ World Turning/ Don't You Let Me Down Again/ Hypnotized (28:15)
THEY PLAY ON THE GENUINE PIG RECORDS TGP-CD-109 BBC Broadcast, London Jan, 1970 Rattlesnake Shake - Underway (23:52)/ Stranger Blues (4:10)/ World In Harmony (3:26)/ Tiger (3:19)/ The Green Manalishi (15:03)/ Great Balls Of Fire (2:28)/ Twist And Shout (7:03)/ Whole Lot Of Love (4:40)
TIGER BEAT BLUES 'N' GREENS 196869 Tracks 1-9 Amsterdam 1969
Tracks 10-13 Santa Monica 1968
Merry Go Round/ One Sided Love/ Dust My Broom/ Got To Move/ Sugar Mama/ I Can't Hold Out/ Please Stop Messing Around/ Unknown Blues/ Albatross/ Rattlesnake Shake/ Underway/ Tiger/ The Green Manalishi (Time 74:21)
TUSK TAKE II MAIN STREAM MAST-029 'Tusk' outtake and demos Angel (rehearsal version) (5:22)/ Beautiful Child (demo) (5:13)/ Beauty And The Beast (Blues jam demo) (4:23)/ The Dealer (rehearsal version) (4:53)/ Fireflies (demo) (4:20)/ Lady From The Mountain (demo) (4:55)/ Sara (8 minute Lazy Maid version) (9:01)/ Sisters Of The Moon (7:45 PM edit plus extra reverb) (4:47)/ Storms (demo with Mick Fleetwood) (5:39)/ Angel (alternate mix)/ 4:50)/ Sisters Of The Moon (Christine piano demo) (4:57)/ Beautiful Child (alternate version) (5:19)/ Fireflies (alternate version) (3:33)/ Sisters Of The Moon (full version with extra lyrics) (5:07) (Time 72:48)
WHO'S THE NEW GIRL? PIRATE RECORDS Studio rehearsal, Trodd Nossel Studios, Wallingford, Connecticut 1975 Station Man/ Spare Me A Little/ Rhiannon/ Don't Give Up/ Landslide/ Over My Head/ I'm So Afraid/ Don't Ask Me/ Creepin’/ World Turning/ Blue Letter/ Hypnotized
WILL THE REAL FLEETWOOD MAC PLEASE STAND UP SODD 002   Side 1: Green Manalishi/ Angel/ Spare Me A Little/ Sentimental Lady
Side 2: Future Games/ Bermuda Triangle
Side 3: Why/ Believe Me/ Black Magic Woman
Side 4: Oh Well (Part I)/ Cliff Davis Blooze/ Rattlesnake Shake/ Hypnotized


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