Guns And Roses







Sides 1 & 2 Practice tapes
Side 3 CBGB, October 30 1987
Side 4 London 1987

Side 1: They're Out Ta Get Me/ Rocket Queen 1/ Rocket Queen 2/ Nightrain/ My Michelle/ You're Crazy
Side 2: Paradise City/ Move To The City/ November Rain 1/ November Rain 2/ Shadow Of Your Love/ Reckless Life
Side 3: You're Crazy/ One In A Million/ I Used To Love Her/ Patience/ Mr. Brownstone/ Move To The City
Side 4: It's So Easy/ Shadows Of Your Love/ Move To The City/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Whole Lotta Rosie/ Sweet Child Of Mine
.44 CALIBER HORTICULTURE VOL. 1 ROCKIN'RECORDS GNR01 Practice tapes They're Out Ta Get Me/ Rocket Queen 1/ Rocket Queen 2/ Nightrain/ My Michelle/ You're Crazy/ Paradise City/ Move To The City/ November Rain 1/ November Rain 2/ Shadow Of Your Love/ Reckless Life
Tracks 7-12 London 1987
You're Crazy/ One In A Million/ I Used To Love Her/ Patience/ Mr. Brownstone/ Move To The City/ It's So Easy/ Shadows Of Your Love/ Move To The City/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Whole Lotta Rosie/ Sweet Child Of Mine
20 LTD MINOTAURO RECORDS 20A/20B Buenos Aires, Argentina December 5 1992 CD1: Introduction (3:53)/ Welcome To The Jungle (5:50)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:56)/ Live And Let Die (4:00)/Attitude (3:00)/ Instrumental Blues (9:10)/ Yesterday (3:22)/ Double Talkin' Jive (8:00)/ Instrumental Voodoo Chile (2:20)/ Civil War (8:23)
CD2: It's Alright (7:40)/ November Rain (10:10)/ Solo Matt Sorum (6:10)/ You Could Be Mine (9:16)/ Instrumental Slash (3:40)/The Godfather (3:30)/ Sweet Child O'Mine (6:45)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (9:04)/ Don't Cry (6:30)/ Paradise City
3RD GIG PAPILLON PPL 021 San Francisco 1989 You're Crazy/ It's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out To Get Me/ Patience/ Rocket Queen/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ Used To Love Her/ Mama Kin/ Paradise City
3RD GIG VINYL VIRUS VV L 004 A/B/C/D   Side 1: You're Crazy (4:52)/ It's So Easy (3:34)/ Move To The City (3:39)/ Out To Get Me (4:20)
Side 2: Patience (8:07)/ Rocket Queen (9:35)
Side 3: Welcome To The Jungle (8:45)/ Knockin’ On Heaven's Door (10:03)/ 14 Years (4:19)
Side 4: Sweet Child O" Mine (6:53)/ Used To Love Her (3:53)/ Mama Kin (4:04)/ Paradise City (7:16)
AARGH!!! METAL CRASH MECD 1063 Mannheim August 24 1991 November Rain (8:59)/ You Could Be Mine! (5:52)/ Godfather Theme (8:41)/ Sweet Child Of Mine (7:28)/ Night Train (5:47)/ Yesterdays (3:39)/ 14 Years (4:48)/ Michelle (4:11)/ Knockin On Heaven's Door (9:05)/ Estranged (9:47)/ Paradise City (6:42) (Time 75:06)
ACOUSTIC JAM BEECH MARTEN 025 Tracks 1-6 CBGB, NYC October 30 1987
Tracks 7-12 London 1987.
You re Crazy/ One In A Million/ I Used To Love Her/ Patience/ Mr. Brownstone/ Move To The City/ It's So Easy/ Shadows Of Your Love/ Move To The City/ Knockin On Heaven's Door/ Whole Lotto Rosie/ Sweet Child Of Mine (Time 53:54)
ACOUSTIC JAM VINYL VIRUS/VV LP 005 A-B   Side 1: You're Crazy (3:37)/ One In A Million (6:50)/ I Used To Li6ve Her (2:43)/ Patience (7:00)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:50)/ Move To The City (3:49)
Side 2: It's So Easy (3:23)/ Shadows Of Your Love (3:14)/ Move To The City (3:32)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (5:02)/ Whole Lotta Rosie (4:07)
ACOUSTIC JAM DEVIL RECORDS DVL 017 Tracks 1-6 The Estadio River Plate, Buenos Aires, Argentina July 16 1993
Tracks 7-11 CBGB's, New York October 30 1987
Tracks 12-13 Tokyo, Japan February 22 1992
Dead Flowers/ You Ain't The First/ You're Crazy/ Used To Love Her/ Patience, Imagine/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ One In A Million/ Used To Love Her/ Patience/ Mr. Brownstone/ Move To The City/ So Fine/ Rocket Queen (Time 68:23)
ANYTHING GOES     Disc 1: Anything Goes (diff. lyrics)/ Meat & Beer
Disc 2: Don't Cry/ Shadow Of Your Love
ATLANTIC CROSSING ACES HIGH AH CD 068/69 CD1 The Marquee, London June 19 1987
CD2 Markthalle, Hamburg September 29 1987
CD1: Reckless Life/ Out Ta Get Me/ Anything Goes/ It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Nightrain/ My Michelle/ You're Crazy/ Paradise City/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Move To The City/ Mama Kin
CD2: Introduction/ It's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Out Ta Get Me/ Mr. Brownstone/ Rocket Queen/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Paradise City/ Band Introduction/ You're Crazy/ Mama Kin
AXL GREASE TURTLE RECORDS TR-215 The Ritz, New York March 17 1989 It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Somebody Out To Get Me/ Sweet Child O" Mine/ My Michele/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Night Train/ Paradise City/ Mama Kin/ Rocket Queen (Time 62:29)
AXL ROSE BAND ... A.K.A./GUNS N' ROSES BARB WIRE RECORD BWR-023/024 Chiba Marine Stadium, Tokyo, Japan August 17 2002 CD1: Welcome To The Jungle/ It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live And Let Die/ Oh My God (intro)/ Think About You/ You Could Be Mine/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Out Ta Get Me/ Buckethead Performance & Guitar Solo (includes Giant Robo, Star Wars, Godzilla)/ Rhiad And Bedouins/ Madagascar/ Axl Piano Solo, November Rain
CD2: The Blues/ Buckethead Acoustic Guitar Solo, Patience/ Rocket Queen/ Robin Fink Guitar Solo, Chinese Democracy/ Nightrain/ Encore: Paradise City, Bonfire
BACK OFF     Disc 1: Back Off/ Heartbreak Hotel
Disc 2: Jumping Jack Flash/ Don't Cry
BACK WITH A BULLET BUD RECORDS RAL 023 Sides 1-2 Donnington Park, August 20, 1988
Sides 3-4 Madison, WI, December 19, 1987
* Düsseldorf, 1987
Side 1: It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/You're Crazy/ Paradise City/ guitar solo
Side 2: Welcome To The Jungle/ Patience/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door*
Side 3: It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Move To The City/ I Used To Love Her/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Side 4: Welcome To The Jungle/ guitar solo-Cop Rap/ Outta Get Me/ Paradise City
BAD BOYS. GREAT NOIZE WAGGLE RECORDS WAG 1932 Perkin's Palace Pasadena CA December 30 1987 Side 1: It's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Out Ta Get Me/ Mr. Brownstone/ My Michelle/ Sweet Child O' Mine
Side 2: Rocket Queen/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Knockin On Heaven's Door/ You're Crazy
Side 3: Paradise City/ Mama Kin/ Night Train/ Mr. Brownstone*/ Sweet Child O' Mine*
Side 4: My Michelle*/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door*/ Welcome To The Jungle*/ Night Train*/ Paradise City*
BAD BOYS. GREAT NOIZE CONDOR 1994 Horizon October 31 1987 It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out Ta Get Me/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ I Used To Love Her But I Had To Kill Her/ My Michelle/ Rocket Queen/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door
BAD LANGUAGE BLACK CAT RECORDS BC-03 Madison, Wisconsin 1987 Intro/ It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Move To The City/ I Used To Love Her (But I Had To Kill Her)/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Introductions/ Out To Get Me (Time 35:48)
BAD OBSESSION TEMPLAR TCD 30   CD1: Ain't It Fun/ Mr. Brownstone/ Bad Obsession/ Dust & Bones/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Civil War/ Nightrain/ Patience/ Live & Let Die/ 14 Years
CD2: November Rain/ Welcome To The Jungle/ The Godfather/ Rocket Queen/ Knockin" On Heaven's Door/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ Estranged/ Paradise City
BAD OBSESSION VINYL VIRUS VV LP 003 A-B-C-D-E-F   Side 1: Ain't It Fun (2:28)/ Mr. Brownstone (5:08)/ Bad Obsession (6:48)/ Dust + Obsession (7:49)
Side 2: Double Talkin' Jive (6:34)/ Civil War (8:21)/ Nightrain (5:19)
Side 3: Patience (9:29)/ Live And Let Die (3:39)/ 14 Years (4:19)
Side 4: November Rain (9:35)/ Welcome To The Jungle (15:14)
Side 5: Godfather (1:46)/ Rocket Queen (7:39)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (12:30)
Side 6: Sweet Child O" Mine (7:13)/ Estranged (11:29)/ Paradise City (6:25)
BAD TIME FOR FALLING IN LOVE TENDOLAR-145/46 Paris 1992 CD1: It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live And Let Die/ Bad Obsession/ On The Run/ Double Talkin Jive/ Civil War/ Wild Horses/ Patience/ You Could Be Mine/ November Rain
CD2: Sweet Child Of Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Knockin On Heaven's Door/ Mama Kin/ Train Kept A Rollin/ Don't Cry/ Paradise City
BANZAI BACKSTAGE BKCD 001/002 Tokyo Dome February 22 1992 CD1: Night Train (5:23)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:56)/ Live And Let Die (3:47)/ It's So Easy (4:04)/ Bad Obsession (7:00)/ Pretty Tied Up (5:38)/ Welcome To The Jungle (5:33)/ Don't Cry (6:24)/ Double Talkin' Jive Motherfucker (8:52)/ Civil War (7:55)/ Wild Horses (3:39)/ Patience (6:45)/ You Could Be Mine (6:08)
CD2: November Rain (14:24)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (9:27)/ So Fine (3:35)/ Rocket Queen (9:24)/ Move To The City (8:06)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (13:42)/ Estranged (9:28)/ Paradise City (7:40)
BLESS THEM SYLPH RECORDS SP-81802399 WTC Open Air Stadium, Osaka, Japan August 18 2002 CD1: Intro/ Welcome To The Jungle/ It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live And Let Die/ Think About You/ You Could Be Mine/ Guitar Solo/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Out Ta Get Me/ Guitar Solo/ Rhiad And Bedouins/ Madagascar
CD2: Guitar Solo/ Axl Piano Solo Intro/ November Rain/ Rocket Queen/ Nightrain/ The Blues/ Chinese Democracy/ Guitar Solo/ Patience/ Encore: Guitar Solo/ Paradise City
BRAZIL RED PHANTOM RPCD 1047 Tracks 1-11 Maracana Stadium, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil January 20 1991
Tracks 12-13 Farm Aid III April 7 1991
Pretty Tied Up (5:24)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:02)/ Patience (6:18)/ Nightrain (5:06)/ Theme from 'The Godfather' (2:31)/ Double Talkin' (4:11)/ Welcome To The Jungle (pt. 1) (2:20)/ Welcome To The Jungle (pt. 2) (2:10)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (8:25)/ You Could Be Mine (9:32)/ Civil War (7:33)/ Civil War (9:06)/ Down On The Farm (3:25)
COVERING THEM POST SCRIPT PSCD 1218 1988 and 1992 world tours (Featuring Elton John, Queen, The Rolling Stones, Steven Tyler & Joe Perry) Salt Of The Earth (5:48)/ Live And Let Die (3:34)/ Mama Kin (4:19)/ Train Kept A Rollin" (4:1 1)/ Wild Horses (3:18)/ Bohemian Rhapsody (5:28)/ We Will Rock You (2:33)/ The Godfather (2:53)/ Always On The Run (5:02)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (10:30)/ Mama Kin (4:01)/ Live And Let Die (3:33)*/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (7:13)
DANGER LANGLEY-048 CD1 Perkins Palace, Pasadena, CA December 26 1987
CD2 The Ritz, New York February 2 1988
CD1: It's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out Ta Get Me/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Used To Love Her/ My Michelle/ Rocket Queen/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door
CD2: It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ My Michelle/ Sweet Child O1 Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Rocket Queen/ Member Introduction/ Nightrain/ Paradise City
DEAD HORSE BONE BEAT BB 14, 15, 16 CD1 & 2 Saratoga 1991
CD3 Tracks 1-13 studio outtakes
* 'With Sebastian Bach Toronto 1991
CD1: Night Train/ Mr. Brownstone/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Dust N' Bone/ Bad Obsession/ It's So Easy/ Dead Horse/ Civil War/ Welcome To The Jungle/ 14 Years/ Patience
CD2: My Michelle/ November Rain/ Guitar Solo -Rocket Queen/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Live And Let Die/ Estranged/ Yesterdays/ Paradise City
CD3: Don't Cry/ Sentimental Movie/ Too Much Too Soon/ Bring It Back Home/ Crash Diet/ Back Off Bitch/ Shadow Of Your Love/ Anything Goes/ Out Ta Get Me/ Mama Kin/ Heartbreak Hotel/ Jumpin' Jack Flash/ November Rain/ You're Crazy*
DEAD HORSE VOLUMES 1 & 2 & 3 BONE BEAT RECORDS BB14/BB15/BB16 CD1-2 Saratoga, New York 1991
CD3 tracks 1-13 studio outtakes
CD3 track 14 with Sebastian Bach Toronto, Canada 1991
CD1: Night Train/ Mr. Brownstone/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Dust n' Bone/ Bad Obsession/ It's So Easy/ Dead Horse/ Civil War/ Welcome To The Jungle/ 14 Years/Patience
CD2: My Michelle/ November Rain/ guitar solo -Rocket Queen/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Live And Let Die/ Estranged/ Yesterdays/ Paradise City
CD3: Don't Cry/ Sentimental Movie/ Too Much Too Soon/ Bring It Back Home/ Crash Diet/ Back Off Bitch/ Shadow Of Your Love/ Anything Goes/ Out Ta Get Me/ Mama Kin/ Heartbreak Hotel/ Jumpin' Jack Flash
DELUSIONS & ILLUSIONS DEEP RECORDS MIK 006/007 Globe Arena, Stockholm August 17 1991 CD1: Nightrain/ Mr. Brownstone/ Bad Obsession/ Live & Let Die/ Dust & Bones/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Civil War/ Patience/ You Could Be Mine/ November Rain/ Welcome To The Jungle
CD2: Matt Sorum drum solo/ Slash solo - God Father Theme/ Rocket Queen/ Only Women Bleed/ Knockin' On Heavens Door/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ Estranged/ Paradise City/ My Michelle (Stockholm August 17 1991)/ Locomotive (LA July 301991)
DON'T FUCKIN' KILL EACH OTHER LANGLEY-109 Donnington Festival, England August 20 1988 It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ MC/ You're Crazy/ 5 Minutes Interruption/ Paradise City/ Guitar Solo/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Patience/ Sweet Child O' Mine
DOUBLE SHOTGUN NEVEREND NE.13.22 A/B   CD1: Shadows Of Your Love (2:52)/ Move To The City (3:20)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (4:31)/ Whole Lotta Rosie (3:55)/ It's So Easy (3:00)/ Mr. Brownstone (3:46)/ Out To Get Me (3:46)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (5:37)/ My Michelle (3:55)/ Welcome To The Jungle (4:07)
CD2: Night Train (4:31)/ Paradise City (6:16)/ Mama Kin (3:25)/ Perfect Crime (2:21)/ Bad Obsession (6:26)/ Double Talkin' Jive (6:37)/ Civil War (7:40)/ Live And Let Die (3:03)/ 14 Years (4:00)/ The Godfather (2:10)
DOWN MY SOUL SYLPH RECORDS SP-81702340 Chiba Marine Stadium, Tokyo, Japan August 17 2002 CD1: Welcome To The Jungle/ It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live And Let Die/ Think About You/ You Could Be Mine/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Out Ta Get Me/ Guitar Solo/ Rhiad And Bedouins/ Madagascar
CD2: Axl Piano Solo, Intro/ November Rain/ The Blues/ Guitar Solo/ Patience/ Rocket Queen/ Guitar Solo/ Chinese Democracy/ Nightrain/ Encore: Paradise City 'Fireworks Display'
DR. LOVE TOASTED RECORD WORKS TRW1919 Sides 1 & 2 Düsseldorf, West Germany 1987
Sides 3 & 4 The Ritz NYC 1988
Side 1: It's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Out Ta Get Me/ Mr. Brownstone
Side 2: Sweet Child Of Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Night Train/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Side 3: Sweet Child Of Mine/ My Michele/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Welcome To The Jungle
Side 4: Night Train/ Paradise City/ Rocket Queen
DRAMAS & TRAUMAS DEEP RECORDS MIK 008/009 Noblesville, Indiana June 1991 CD1: Next Door To Hell/ Mr. Brownstone/ Bad Obsession/ Dust & Bones/ Patience/ Civil War/ Fourteen Years/ Live & Let Die/ It's So Easy/ Rocket Queen
CD2: November Rain/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Perfect Crime/ Strangled/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Free Falling (MTV Awards 1989)/ Heart Break Hotel (MTV Awards 1989 with Tom Petty)
DUSSELDORF 1987 LANGLEY-126 Düsseldorf, Germany September 30 1987 Opening/ It's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out Ta Get Me/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Nightrain/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Paradise City/ Mama Kin/ Member Introduction/ You're Crazy
DYNAMISM IN ARGENTINA LANGLEY-127 Estadio De River Plate, Buenos Aires, Argentina 5/12/1992 CD1: Welcome To The Jungle/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live And Let Die/ Attitude/ Instrumental Blues/ Yesterdays/ Double Takin' Jive/ Voodoo Chile/ Civil War/ Wild Horses/ Patience/ Patience (conclusion)/ Nightrain
CD2: It's Alright/ November Rain/ Drum Solo/ You Could Be Mine/ Guitar Solo/ God Father Theme/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Only Women Bleed/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Don't Cry/ Paradise City
ELECTRIC & ACOUSTIC NEVER END NE.21 CD1 tracks 1-6 Tokyo, February 22 1992
CD1 tracks 7-9 Paris, June 6 1992
CD1 tracks 10-11 London, Aprilil 20 1992
CD2 live at CBGB's, New York City, October 30 1987
CD1: Night Train (5:23)/ Welcome To The Jungle (5:33)/ Don't Cry (6:26)/ Double Talkin' Motherfucker (8:52)/ Civil War (7:55)/ So Fine (3:35)/ It's So Easy (3:31)/ Mr. Brownstone (5:33)/ You Could Be Mine (7:37)/ Paradise City (6:15)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (8:33) (Time 69:13)
CD2: Jumping Jack Flash (4:00)/ November Rain (4:57)/ You're Crazy (3:37)/ One In A Million (6:50)/ I Used To Love Her (2:43)/ Patience (7:00)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:50)/ Move To The City (3:49)/ November Rain (piano version) (9:44) (Time 47:30)
Side 2 Ritz 1988
Sides 3 & 4 Knoxville 1987
Side 1: You're Crazy/ Reckless Life/ Shadow Of Your Life/ Move To The City/ Mama Kin/ Night Train
Side 2: You're Crazy/ I Used To Love Her. Had To Kill Her/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Night Train/ Sweet Child Of Mine
Side 3: It's So Easy/ Out Ta Get Me/ Mr. Brownstone/ My Michelle/ Sweet Child O' Mine
Side 4: Don't Cry/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Night Train/ Mama Kin
F*CKIN' HARTFORD BANG 2-014 Hartford, Conn. March 9 1993 CD1: Welcome To The Jungle/ Mr. Brownstone/ The Garden/ Live And Let Die/ Attitude/ Nice Guys Don't Play Rock 'N' Roll/ So Fine/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Deep Down Inside/ You're Crazy/ Keep Smiling/ Patience
CD2: Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ November Rain/ Mongoloid/ Beautiful Girl/ guitar solo/ Sweet Child O’ Mine/ Don't Cry/ Paradise
FOR MOTHERFUCKERS ONLY! BUCCANEER RECORDS BUC 032/2   CD1: Right Next Door To Hell (3:12)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:46)/ Bad Obsession (7:15)/ Dust And Bones (5:46)/ Double Talkin' Jive Motherfucker (5:12)/ Patience (7:35)/ Civil War (8:56)/ Fourteen Years (5:02)/ Live And Let Die (5:53)/ It's So Easy (4:17)/ Drum Solo (4:30)/ Guitar Solo (3:04)/ Godfather Theme (1:42)/ Rocket Queen (7:15)
CD2: November Rain (8:08)/ Only Women Bleed (2:37)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (8:59)/ Perfect Crime (3:20)/ Estranged (10:11)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (7:50)/ Welcome To The Jungle (5:15)/ Paradise City (6:25)
G ‘N' R ROCK WEMBLEY   Wembley Stadium, London August 31 1991 CD1: Perfect Crime (2:25)/ Mr. Brownstone (5:17)/ Bad Obsession (7:18)/ Welcome To The Jungle (5:51)/ Live & Let Die (3:27)/ Dust & Bones (5:43)/ Double Talking Jive (7:35)/ Civil War (7:53)/ Patience (8:25)/ You Could Be Mine (6:38)/ November Rain (8:35)
CD2: Night Train (5:51)/ Godfather Theme (15:24)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (7:29)/ 14 Years (4:31)/ Only Women Bleed (4:11)/ Knockin On Heaven's Door (10:23)/ Estranged (10:25)/ Paradise City (8:11)
GET IN THE RING UZI SUICIDE GNR 30151 'Get In The Ring Mother Fucker' world tour, The Dome January 15 1993 CD1: Intro/ MC/ It's So Easy/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live And Let Die/ Nightrain/ So Fine/ Attitude/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Slash Solo/ Voodoo Chile/ Civil War/ Wild Horses/ Patience/ It's All Right/ November Rain (Time 74:07)
CD2: Horn Section Intro/ Bad Obsession/ Band Intro/ Matt Sorum Solo/ You Could Be Mine/ Slash Solo/ The Godfather/ All I Ever Needed/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Only Woman Bleed/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Don't Cry/ The Wall/ Paradise City/ Outro (Time 64:28)
GET IN THE RING MOTHER F**KER ROUND II R11 MUSIC CD 01/02 CD1 & CD2 tracks 1-3 Milton Keynes, England May 29 1993
CD2 tracks 4-9 Milton Keynes May 30 1993
CD1: Night Train (5:06)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:39)/ Live & Let Die (3:44)/ Welcome To The Jungle (5:32)/ Attitude (1:56)/ It's So Easy (3:25)/ Double Talking Jive (10:53)/ Ain't The First (2:52)/ You're Crazy (4:54)/ Used To Love Her (3:18)/ Patience Includes Imagine (8:43)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (11:24)/ November Rain (9:43)
CD2: Dead Horse (6:44)/ Band Introductions (includes drum solo) (4:18)/You Could Be Mine (includes Slash solo & guitar - piano duet) (14:09)/ Sweet Child 'O' Mine (7:34)/ Paradise City (9:48)/ Dead Flowers (4:39)/ Knockin' On Heavens Door (Mike Monroe on harmonica -12:28)/ Honky Tonk Woman (with Ron Wood & Mike Monroe - 4:54)/ Paradise City (10:18)
GOODFELLOWS BUCCANEER RECORDS BUC 027/2 CD1 and CD2 Tracks 1 Rio De Janeiro February 1991 CD1: Pretty Tied Up (5:21)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:06)/ Patience (6:20)/ Godfather Theme (1:40)/ Double Talking (4:49)/ Welcome To The Jungle (3:56)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (8:40)/ Drum Solo (3:53)/ You Could Be Mine (5:27)/ It's So Easy (3:01)/ Guitar Solo (3:31)/ Civil War (7:13)/ I Keep Smiling (5:11)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (6:96)/ Estranged (8:54) (Time 78:17)
CD2: Paradise City (6:58)/ Civil War (8:55), Down On The Farm (3:40) (Farm Aid 1990)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:13), Sweet Child O' Mine (6:43), My Michelle (4:00), Knockin' On Heaven's Door (7:05), Welcome To The Jungle (4:15), Paradise City (6:37) (U.S. Festival San Bernardino 1989)/ Night Rain (6:25) (3rd. Gig outtake)/ Salt Of The Earth (5:02) (Atlantic City 1989 with The Rolling Stones)/ Heartbreak Hotel (3:24) (Anoga Park 1991)/ Mama Kin (3:56)/ Out To Get Me (3:51), You're Crazy (3:17) (New York 1989) (Time 78:25)
HALLOWEEN ON THE HORIZON WAGGLE RECORDS WAG 1931 Horizon October 31 1987 Side 1: It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out Ta Get Me/ Sweet Child O' Mine
Side 2: I Used To Love Her But I Had To Kill Her/ My Michelle/ Rocket Queen/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Side 3: Welcome To The Jungle/ You're Crazy/ Blues Jam/ Night Train
Side 4: Paradise City/ Patience/ Mama Kin/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door
HALLOWEEN ON THE HORIZON CONDOR 1993 Tracks 1-8 Horizon October 31 1987
Tracks 9-11 Pasadena CA December 30 1987
It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out Ta Get Me/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ I Used To Love Her But I Had To Kill Her/ My Michelle/ Rocket Queen/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Paradise City/ Mama Kin/ Night Train
Tracks 5-9 Roxy
Move The City/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Whole Lotta Rose/ Welcome To The Jungle/ It's So Easy/ Shadow Of Your Love/ Mr. Brownstone/ Night Train/ Paradise City
HEAVEN WAR CLASSICAL CL 007   It's So Easy (The Marquee, London June 28 1987)/ Shadow Of Your Love (The Roxy, LA March 29 1987)/ Move To The City (The Roxy, LA March 29 1987)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (The Roxy, LA March 29 1987)/ Whole Lotta Rosie (The Marquee, London June 28 1987)/ Patience (American Music Awards, LA Shrine Auditorium January 30 1989)/ Salt Of The Earth (Rolling Stones Tour, Atlantic City Convention Centre December 19 1989)/ Civil War (Farm Aid II, Indianapolis Hooters Dome, April 7 1990)/ Down On The Farm (Farm Aid II, Indianapolis Hooters Dome, April 7 1990)/ Patience (Rock In Rio II, Maracana Stadium January 20 1991)/ Mr. Brownstone (Rock In Rio II, Maracana Stadium January 20 1991)/ Knockin' On heaven's Door (Rock In Rio II, Maracana Stadium January 20 1991) (Time 68:53)
I WANNA WATCH YOU BLEED TWIN SIX-SHOOTER RECORDS 5988 7:30 PM - Felt Forum NYC May 9 1988 Side 1: It's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out To Get Me/ Rocket Queen
Side 2: Patience/ I Used To Love Her. But I Had To Kill Her/ My Mitchelle/ Welcome To The Jungle
Side 3: Sweet Child O Mine/ Knockin' On Heavens Door/ Intros/ Blues Jam
Side 4: You're Crazy/ Night Train/ Don't Cry/ Mama Kin
ILLUSIONS ON TOUR FLASHBACK FB 0176 Biloxi, USA 1992 CD1: Civil War/ Wild Horses/ Patience/ You Could Be Mine/ November Rain/ Medley: Instrumental Solo, Drum Solo, Bass Solo, Guitar Solo (Time 59:50)
CD2: Sweet Child Of Mine/ Moved To The City/ Don't Cry/ Only Women Bleed/ Knocking On Heavens Door/ Bad Obsession/ Estranged/ Paradise City (Time 59:50)
JAPAN '93 GR-01A/B   CD1: Opening - My Way/ Night Train/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live & Let Die/ Attitude/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Civil War/ Yesterdays/ Wild Horses/ Patience/ Bad Obsession
CD2: Axl piano solo - It's Alright/ November Rain/ announcement, drum solo/ You Could Be Mine/ Slash guitar solo - Godfather/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ Only Women Bleed/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Don't Cry/ Paradise City
LA VIE EN ROSE SIDE STEP SS 1001/2 1992 'Use Your Illusion' world tour CD1: It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live & Let Die/ Attitude/ Bad Obsession/ Always On The Run/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Civil War/ Wild Horse/ Patience/ You Could Be Mine/ November Rain
CD2: Band Workouts/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Knockin1 On Heavens Door/ Mama Kin/ Train Kept A Rollin'/ Don't You Cry/ Paradise City
LAST AMERICAN HERO SC-M8T03V921 LA Forum, August 2/3 1991 CD1: Perfect Crime/ Mr. Brownstone/ Bad Obsession/ Dust N' Bones/ Double Talking Jive/ Civil War/ Patience/ You Could Be Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle
CD2: Rocket Queen/ It's So Easy/ Knockin' On Heavens Door/ 14 Years/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ Right Next Door To Hell/ Yesterday/ November Rain/ My Michelle/ Night Rain
CD3: Pretty Tied Up/ You're Crazy/ Locomotive/ Outta Get Me/ Dead Horse/ Estranged/ Paradise City
LIVE GR002 Castle Donnington 1988 Side 1: It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ You're Fucking Crazy/ Paradise City
Side 2: Instrumental/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Patience/ Sweet Child Of Mine
LIVE 89274   Side 1: It's So Easy
Side 2: Knocking On Heaven's Door
LIVE AND LET DIE THE SWINGIN' PIG RECORDS TSP-CD-112-2 Live during 1991 US tour CD1: Right Next Door To Hell/ Mr. Brownstone/ Bad Obsession/ Dust N" Bones/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Patience/ Civil War/ 14 Years/ Live And Let Die/ It's So Easy
CD2: Guitar - Drums Solo/ Godfather/ Rocket Queen/ November Rain/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Perfect Crime/ Estranged/ Bad Time/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Paradise City
LIVE AND LET DIE MP-02 Indianapolis 1991
* The Ritz NYC
CD1: Right Next Door To Hell/ Mr. Brownstone/ Bad Obsession/ Dust N' Bones/ Double Talking Jive Motherfucker/ Patience/ Civil War/ 14 Years/ Live And Let Die/ It's So Easy/ Drum Solo – Bass Solo - Guitar Solo/ Rocket Queen (Time 68:53)
CD2: November Rain/ Knockin1 On Heaven's Door/ Perfect Crime/ Estranged/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Paradise City/ Sweet Child O' Mine* (Time 69.10)
LIVE AT BILOXI U.S. TOUR 92 BUNDY RECORDS SE 309 Biloxi during 1992 US tour Civil War (11:43)/ You Could Be Mine (6:21)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (8:24)/ Move To The City (8:50)/ Don't Cry (5:08)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (11:12)/ Bad Obsession (7:40)/ Estranged (9:36)/ Paradise City (7:43)
LIVE IN ARGENTINA PING PONG PPR 001-02 Estadio River Plate July 16 1993 CD1: It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live And Let Die/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Attitude/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Dead Flowers/ You Ain't The First/ You're Crazy/ Used To Love Her/ Patience/ Imagine/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door
CD2: November Rain/ Dead Horse/ Matt Sorum Drum Solo/ You Could Be Mine/ Slash Solo/ Godfather's Theme/ Sweet Child O'Mine/ Don't Cry Mother/ Paradise City
LIVE IN ARGENTINA BIG MUSIC BIG 086/87 Estadio River Plate July 16 1993 CD1: It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live And Let Die/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Attitude/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Dead Flowers/ You Ain't The First/ You're Crazy/ Used To Love Her/ Patience/ Imagine/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door
CD2: November Rain/ Dead Horse/ Matt Sorum Drum Solo/ You Could Be Mine/ Slash Solo/ Godfather's Theme/ Sweet Child O'Mine/ Don't Cry Mother/ Paradise City
LIVE IN JAPAN METAL CRASH MEBX 001/002/003 Tokyo February 19, 20 and 22 1992 CD1: Coma (9:49)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:31)/ Live And Let Die (3:34)/ It's So Easy (3:58)/ Bad Obsession (7:17)/ Locomotive (Complicity) (9:00)/ So Fine (4:29)/ Wild Horses (3:48)/ Patience (4:36)/ Attitude (2:37)/ Welcome To The Jungle (7:27)/ Don't Cry (4:42)/ Double Talkin' Jive Motherfuckers (8:53)
CD2: Civil War (9:06)/ November Rain (13:17)/ Nightrain (6:01)/ Godfather (15:00)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (7:26)/ Pretty Tied Up (5:45)/ You Could Be Mine (6:33)/ Rocket Queen (8:21)
CD3: Move To The City (9:26)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (13:52)/ Estranged (9:25)/ Paradise City (7:32)/ 14 Years (4:46)/ My Michelle (3:52)/ Yesterdays (4:11)/ Down On The Farm (4:03)/ Whole Lotta Rosie (4:04)/ Shadow Of Your Love (3:39)/ Mama Kin (4:48)/ Outta Get Me (4:36)
LIVE IN JAPAN BIG MUSIC BIG 055/56 Japan February 22 1992 CD1: Night Train (5:23)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:56)/ Live And Let Die (3:47)/ It's So Easy (4:04)/ Bad Obsession (7:00)/ Pretty Tied Up (5:38)/ Welcome To The Jungle (5:33)/ Don't Cry (6:26)/ Double Talkin' Jive Motherfucker (3:52)/ Civil War (7:55)/ Wild Horses (3:39)/ Patience (6:45)/ You Could Be Mine (6:09)
CD2: November Rain (14:24)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (9:27)/ So Fine (3:35)/ Rocket Queen (9:24)/ Move To The City (9:26)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (13:42)/ Estranged (9:28)/ Paradise City (7:40)
LIVE IN SANPLAZA-HALL 1988 OFM 0041 Sanplaza-Hall, Tokyo, Japan December 8 1988 You're Crazy/ It's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out To Get Me/ Patience/ Rocket Queen/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ Used To Love Her/ Mama Kin/ Paradise City
LONDON MOTHERFUCKERS 1987 CD 94103-1/2 CD1 Hammersmith Odeon, London October 8 1987
CD2 Marquee Club, London June 22 1987
CD1: It's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Out Ta Get Me/ Mr. Brownstone/ My Michelle/ Rocket Queen/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Nightrain/ You're Crazy/ Paradise City/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Reckless Life
CD2: Mama Kin/ Sweet Child O'Mine/ Whole Lotta Rosie/ Ready Steady Go/ It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Nightrain/ My Michelle/ Welcome To The Jungle/ You're Crazy/ Paradise City/ 3 other tracks
MAKE MY DAY! SUBVERSIVE ROCK PRODUCTIONS 1991 FM9000 Rare studio outtakes, demos and live recordings Jumping Jack Flash (3:40)/ Reckless Life (3:18)/ Heartbreak Hotel (4:26)/ Shadow Of Your Love (3:08)/ Welcome To The Jungle (5:10)/ Move To The City (3:34)/ Jumping Jack Flash (4:00)/ November Rain (9:44)/ Nice Boys (Don't Play Rock 'N' Roll) (2:58)/ Whole Lotta Rosie (4:20)/ Blues Jam (7:14)/ One In A Million (6:10)/ November Rain (4:57)/ Paradise City (5:33)/ Instrumental Jam (3:34)
MARACANA XPII ACES HIGH AH CD 055/56 Maracana Stadium, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil January 23 1991 CD1: Pretty Tied Up/ Mr. Brownstone/ I Was Only Joking (intro, Patience/ Nightrain/ Godfather Theme/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Only Woman Bleed (intro), Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Drum Solo/ You Could Be Mine/ Civil War
CD2: Guitar Solo/ Bad Apples/ It's So Easy/ Rocket Queen/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Estranged/ paradise City
MARQUEE 1987 LANGLEY-028 Marquee Club, Soho, London, UK June 22 1987 Welcome To Marquee/ Opening/ Shadow Of Your Love/ Out Ta Get Me/ Anything Goes/ It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Nightrain/ My Michelle/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Band Introduction/ You're Crazy/ Paradise City/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Move To The City/ Nice Boys
MAXXXIMUM: THE PERILS OF ROCK 'N' ROLL DECADENCE ACES HIGH AHCD 050 Great Western Forum, Inglewood CA 3/8/91 CD1: Introduction 'My Way'/ Perfect Crime/ Mr. Brownstone/ Right Next Door To Hell/ Bad Obsession/ Live And Let Die/ It's So Easy/ Yesterdays/ Dust N' Bones/ Double Takin' Jive/ Civil War/ I Was Only Joking (introduction)/ Patience/ You Could Be Mine/ November Rain
CD2: My Michelle/ 14 Years/ Nightrain/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Band Introduction/ Drum Solo/ Guitar Solo/ Godfather Theme/ Pretty Tied Up/ Rocket Queen/ Don't Cry/ Only Woman Bleed (introduction), Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ You Ain't The First
CD3: Used To Love Her/ Move To The City/ Bad Time (introduction), Sweet Child O' Mine/ You're Crazy/ Locomotive/ Out Ta Get Me/ Dead Horse/ Estranged/ Paradise City
NICE FELLAS HAPPY SKULL SK-04/05 Hartford, Conn. March 9 1993 CD1: Welcome To The Jungle/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live & Let Die/ Attitude/ Nice Boy/ So Fine/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Goodnight Irene/ You Don't Want Me/ I Used To Love Her/ Patience (Time 64:30)
CD2: Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ November Rain/ Everybody Needs Somebody/ I Keep Smiling/ Slash Solo/ Sweet Child O'Mine/ Don't Cry/ Paradise City (Time 56:47)
NO REFRAIN NZCD 89004/CONDOR 1915 Live in the studio Jumping Jack Flash/ You're Crazy/ Wreckless Life/ Heartbreak Hotel/ Shadow Of Your Love/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Move To The City/ Mama Kin 1 & 2/ Heartbreak Hotel/ Inst. Jam/ Jumping Jack Flash 2 & 3/ Rap/ November Rain
NOISE MAKERS CONDOR 1995 Horizon October 31 1987 Welcome To The Jungle/ You're Crazy/ Blues Jam/ Night Train/ Paradise City/ Patience/ Mama Kin/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door
NOVEMBER RAIN CONDOR 1914   Out Ta Get Me/ Rocket Queen/ Night Train/ My Michelle/ You're Crazy/ Paradise City/ Move To The City/ November Rain/ Shadow Of Your Love/ Reckless Life/ Think About You/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Don't Cry/ Nice Boys/ Back Off Bitch/ Anything Goes
NOVEMBER RAIN WAGGLE RECORDS 1933   Side 1: Out Ta Get Me/ Rocket Queen/ Night Train/ My Michelle
Side 2: You're Crazy/ Paradise City/ Move To The City/ November Rain/ Shadow Of Your Love/ Reckless Life
Side 3: Think About You/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Don't Cry/ Nice Boys/ Back Off Bitch
Side 4: Anything Goes/ Mama Kin/ Heartbreak Hotel/ inst. Jam/ Jumping Jack Flash/ Jumping Jack Flash
NOVEMBER RAIN (VOL. 4) BANANA BAN-015-D Europe 1992 Intro (0:59)/ Live And Let Die (15:14)/ Theme From The Godfather' (4:11)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (7:38)/ Welcome To The Jungle (6:48)/ Only Women Bleed (1:21)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (3:49)/ Mama Kin (4:30)/ Train Kept A-Rollin' (4:31)/ Don't Cry (7:11)/ Paradise City (6:59)
ONE IN A MILLION TEMPLAR TCD 11 Tracks 1-8 'Appetite For Destruction' live radio show 1988
Tracks 9-14 CBGB NYC October 30 1987
Out To Get Me/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ My Michelle/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Night Train/ Paradise City/ Mama Kin/ You're So Crazy/ One In A Million/ Used To Love Her/ Patience/ Mr. Brownstone/ Move To The City (Time 73:37)
ONE MORE ILLUSION TEDDY BEAR RECORDS TB 07/2 CD1 The Ritz, NY May 13 1990 CD1: It's So Easy (3:22)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:17)/ Somebody Out To Get Me (4:46)/ Sweet Child Of Mine (6:27)/ My Michelle (5:56)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (6:42)/ Welcome To The Jungle (4:27)/ Night Train (6:05)/ Paradise City (5:50)/ Mama Kin (3:55)/ Rocket Queen (6:55) (Time 60:24)
CD2: The Good Father (2:46, Tokyo Dome, Tokyo February 22 1992)/ Wild Horses (3:44, Tokyo Dome, Tokyo February 22 1992)/ Salt Of The Heart (5:46, Axl Rose and Izzy Stradlin with The Rolling Stones Atlantic City December 19 1989)/ Live And Let Die (5:27, Tokyo Dome, Tokyo February 22 1992)/ Voodoo Chile (2:24, Buenos Aires December 5 1992)/ Attitude (2:00, Buenos Aires December 5 1992)/ Train Kept A Rollin (4:11, Paris 1992 with Steven Tyler and Joe Perry)/ Bohemian Rhapsody (5:29, Axl Rose with Brian May, John Deacon, Roger Taylor, and Elton John)/ We Will Rock You (2:32, Axl Rose with Brian May, John Deacon, Roger Taylor, and Elton John)/ Whole Lotta Rosie (4:05, New York 1988 with Izzy Stradlin and Steven Adler)/ Always On The Run (5:03, Paris 1992 with Lenny Kravitz)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (12:22, Tokyo Dome, Tokyo February 22 1992) (Time 53:34)
PARADISE TMQ 72121 The Paradise In Boston, October 27 1987 It's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Out Ta Get Me/ Dance With Mr. Brownstone/ My Michele/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Rocket Queen/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ You're Crazy/ Paradise City/ Night Train/ Mama Kin/ L.A. Guns And Guns Jam
PASADENA 1987 COMPLETE LANGLEY-072 CD1-CD2 tracks 1-8 Perkins Palace, Pasadena, CA December 12 1987
CD2 tracks 9-13 Street Scene, Los Angeles, CA September 21 1986
CD1: it's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out Ta Get Me/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Used To Love Her/ My Michelle/ Rocket Queen/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door
CD2: Welcome To The Jungle/ Member Introduction/ You're Crazy/ Blues/ Nightrain/ Paradise City/ Patience/ Mama Kin/ Introduction/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Out Ta Get Me/ Think About You/ Mr. Brownstone
PATIENCE UNDERGROUND RECORDS UNDER 1209 Side 1 & Side 2 tracks 1-3 Perkins Palace December 26 1987
Side 2 tracks 4-5 Pacific Amphitheatre June 8. 1988
Side 3 & Side 4 track 1 CBGB's October 30 1987
Side 4 tracks 2-5 Studio 1987
Side 1: Mr. Brownstone/ Out To Get Me/ I Used To Love Her. But I Had To Kill Her/ Sweet Child O' Mine
Side 2: My Michelle/ Rocket Queen/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Nothin' Ta Lose/ It's So Easy
Side 3: You're Crazy/ One In A Million/ I Used To Love Her. But I Had To Kill Her/ Patience/ Mr. Brownstone
Side 4: Move To The City/ Don't Cry/ Jumping Jack Flash/ Heartbreak Hotel/ Back Off Bitch
PUSSY 'N' BOOZE THIS WEST PRODUCTION COMPANY   Side 1: Under My Wheels (live Long Beach Arena February 26 1988 - Alice Cooper with Guns & Roses)/ Mama Kin (Pacific Amphitheatre September 15 1988 - Aerosmith)
Side 2: Nothin" To Lose/ So Easy (Irvine Meadows 6/9/88 Guns without Rose)
REFLEXION WORK 5532 Ritz Theatre. New York 1988 It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out Ta Get Me/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ My Michelle/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Nite Train/ Paradise City/ Mama Kin/ Rocket Queen/ Whole Lotta Rosie/ Shadow Of Your Love (Time 70:26)
RIFLE TOTIN’ FLORISTS TIMES SQUARE RECORDS Side 1 Perkin's Palace, Pasadena, CA November 30 1987
Side 2 London 1987
Side 1: Welcome To The Jungle/ Night Train/ Paradise City/ Mr. Brownstone
Side 2: Shadow Of Your Love/ It's So Easy/ Knocking On Heaven's Door/ Whole Lotta Rosie/ Sweet Child Of Mine
RITZ '87 LANGLEY-056 CD1-CD2 tracks 1-7 The Ritz, New York October 23 1987
CD2 track 8 1990 mixed by Sanny X
CD1: It's So easy/ Move To The City/ Out Ta Get Me/ Mr. Brownstone/ Welcome To The Jungle/ My Michelle/ Don't Cry/ Rocket Queen/ Nightrain
CD2: Sweet Child O' Mine/ Knockin' On Heavens Door/ Member Introduction/ You're Crazy/ Paradise City/" Reckless Life/ Mama Kin/ Bonus: GN'R Megamix
ROCK IN RIO DEEP RECORDS MIK 002 Rock In Rio Festival II, Brazil February 2 1991 Side 1: Pretty Tied Up/ Mr. Brownstone/ Patience/ Godfather/ Doubletalking
Side 2: Welcome To The Jungle/ Knocking On Heavens Door/ drum solo/ You Could Be Mine
Side 3: It's So Easy/ guitar solo (Slash)/ Civil War/ I Keep Smiling
Side 4: Sweet Child Of Mine/ Estranged/ Paradise City/ Salt On The Earth
ROCKET QUEENS PART ONE TURTLE RECORDS TR-43 Tokyo Dome, january 1992 CD1: Nightrain/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live And Let Die/ It's So Easy/ Bad Obsession/ Attitude/ Pretty Tied Up/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Don't Cry (Time 43:21)
CD2: Double Talkin' Jive/ Civil War - Voodoo Chile/ Wild Horses/ Patience/ Sweet Child 'O Mine/ So Fine (Time 41:39)
ROCKET QUEENS PART TWO TURTLE RECORDS TR-43 Tokyo Dome, january 1992 CD1: You Could Be Mine/ November Rain/ Introductions/ Godfather Theme/ Rocket Queen (Time 45:460
CD2: Move To The City/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Estranged/ Paradise City (Time 39:45.)
ROCKIN' TURN YOUR PLAYER ON TYPO 03 The Ritz NYC 1988 It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Somebody Out To Get Me/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ My Michelle/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Night Train/ Paradise City/ Mama Kin/ Rocket Queen
ROCKIN' IN CHILE BIG MUSIC BIG 058-59 Estadio Nacional De Santiago De Chile November 28 1992 CD1: It's So Easy (3:21)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:32)/ Live And Let Die (3:44)/ Attitude (2:07)/ Double Talkin' Jive (6:06)/ Slash solo (2:52)/ Civil War (9:02)/ November Rain (11:17)/Wild Horses (2:50)/ Patience (7:08)
CD2: Bad Obsession (8:56)/ Matt Sorum drum solo (3:25)/ You Could Be Mine (6:14)/ Godfather's Theme (4:24)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (6:57)/ Welcome To The Jungle (3:21)/ Only Women Bleed (2:13)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (7:44)/ Mother - Paradise City (8:11)
ROCKIN' IN CHILE BIG MUSIC BIG BX 001 Estadio Nacional De Santiago De Chile November 28 1992 CD1: It's So Easy (3:21)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:32)/ Live And Let Die (3:44)/ Attitude (2:07)/ Double Talkin' Jive (6:06)/ Slash solo (2:52)/ Civil War (9:02)/ November Rain (11:17)/Wild Horses (2:50)/ Patience (7:08)
CD2: Bad Obsession (8:56)/ Matt Sorum drum solo (3:25)/ You Could Be Mine (6:14)/ Godfather's Theme (4:24)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (6:57)/ Welcome To The Jungle (3:21)/ Only Women Bleed (2:13)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (7:44)/ Mother - Paradise City (8:11)
ROSES ARE RAD LOST HORIZON The Paradise In Boston, October 27 1987 It's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Out Ta Get Me/ Dance With Mr. Brownstone/ My Michele/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Rocket Queen/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ You're Crazy/ Paradise City/ Night Train/ Mama Kin
SAY YOUR PRAYERS KISS THE STONE KTS 084/85 Europe 1992 CD1: It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live & Let Die/ Attitude/ Bad Obsession/ Always On The Run/ Double Talkin" Jive/ Civil War/ Wild Horses/ Patience/ You Could Be Mine/ November Rain
CD2: Band Introduction, Drum solo/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Knockin On Heaven's Door/ Mama Kin/ Train Kept A Rolling/ Don't Cry/ Paradise City
SHATTERED ILLUSION PRE 163 Nassau Coliseum July 17 1991 Bad Obsession/ Double Talkin' Jive Motherfucker/ guitar solo/ Civil War/ Patience/ Live & Let Die/ Fourteen Years/ November Rain/ Welcome To The Jungle/ drum solo/ guitar solo - Theme From The Godfather/ Rocket Queen/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door
SILENT SHOTS FLASHBACK WORLD PRODUCTIONS FLASH 03.91.0140 Ritz, New York 1989 It's So Easy (3:47)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:43)/ Somebody Out To Get Me (5:12)/ Sweet Child Of Mine (7:03)/ My Michelle (5:08)/ Knocking On Heaven's Door (7:07)/ Welcome To The Jungle (6:17)/ Night Rain (5:12)/ Paradise City (6:48)/ Mama Kin (4:53)/ Rocket Queen (7:01)
SILENT SHOTS FLASHBACK FB0140 Ritz NYC 1989 It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Somebody Out To Get Me/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ My Michelle/ Knocking On Heaven's Door/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Night Train/ Paradise City/ Mama Kin/ Rocket Queen
SILVER BULLET PAPILLON CD 004 LA during 1988 US tour It's So Easy (3:47)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:49)/ Somebody Out To Get Me (4:44)/ Sweet Child Of Mine (6:52)/ My Michelle (5:10)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (7:28)/ Welcome To The Jungle (5:35)/ Night Train (4:47)/ Paradise City (6:50)/ Mama Kin (6:50)/ Rocket Queen (6:24)
SLASH 'N' BURN RARE NECCESSITIES   Somebody Out To Get Me/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ My Michelle/ Knockin' On Heavens Door/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Nite Train/ Paradise City/ Mama Kin/ Rocket Queen
SLASHIN' PUMPKINS WITCHBOARD RECORDS WR 16990 Outtakes The Garden/ Don't Cry/ Yesterdaze/ Sentimental Movie/ Bad Obsession/ Crash Diet/ Anything Goes/ Bring It Back Home/ Back Off Bitch/ Heartbreak Hotel/ Move To The City/ Too Much Too Soon/ Just Another Sunday/ Welcome To The Jungle
Side 3 L.A. 1986
Side 4 London 1987
Side 1: It's So Easy/ Anything Goes/ Out Ta Get Me/ Mr. Brownstone/ Night Train/ Welcome To The Jungle
Side 2: My Michele/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ You're Crazy/ Paradise City
Side 3: Reckless Life/ Nice Boys/ Move To The City/ Mama Kin
Side 4: Shadow Of Your Life/ It's So Easy/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Whole Lotta Rosie
STEPHS SEXY KISSES G - #1/#2 Toronto, Canada 1991 CD1: Mr. Brownstone/ Live And Let Die/ Dust And Bones/ Bad Obsession/ Double Talkin' Jive Mother Fucker/ Civil War/ Patience/ My Mitchell/ Don't Cry/ 14 Years/ November Rain
CD2: God Father's Theme - Solo Performance/ Rocket Queen/ Pretty Tied Up/ You're Crazy/ Knockin" On Heaven's Door/ Don't Cry/ You're Crazy
STOCKHOLM ILLUSION MOVING SOUND MVCD 001/002 Europe 1991 CD1: Welcome To The Jungle (4:34)/ Mr. Brownstone (6:10)/ Bad Obsession (6:08)/ Live And Let Die (3:31)/ Dust And Bones (7:16)/ Night Train (6:15)/ Double Talkin' Jive (6:34)/ Civil War (8:21)/ Patience (9:43)/ November Rain (8:31)
CD2: You Could Be Mine (6:33)/ 14 Years (4:28)/ Only Women Bleed (4:42)/ Godfather Theme (13:14)/ Sweet Child O’ Mine (7:39)/ Knocking On Heaven's Door (10:47)/ Estranged (10:02)/ Paradise City (6:13)
SUCH A FUCKIN' NIGHT FRAGILE FR-94001/002 Festival Hall, Osaka Japan December 5 1988 CD1: Intro/ You're Crazy/ It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Move To The City/ Patience/ Blues Jam/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Nightrain
CD2: Used To Love Her/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Sweet Child O'Mine/ Paradise City
SWEET CHILD O'MINE (VOL. 2) BANANA BAN-014-B America 1991 Pretty Tied Up (The Perils Of Rock And Roll Decadence) (5:23)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:00)/ Patience (6:16)/Theme From The Godfather' (1:40)/ Double Talkin' Jive (4:21)/ Welcome To The Jungle (4:240/ Only Women Bleed (0:57)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (11:32)/ You Could Be Mine (8:58)/ Civil War (7:13)/ I Keep Smiling (5:15)
THE LAST AMERICAN HERO SWEET CHILD SC - M8TO3V91   CD1: Axl Side - Perfect Crime/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live And Let Die/ Bad Obsession/ Dust V Bones/ Double Talking Jive/ Civil War/ Patience/ You Could Be Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle (Time 61:17)
CD2: Slash Side - Rocket Queen/ It's So Easy/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ 14 Years/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ Right Next Door To Hell/ Yesterday/ November Rain/ My Michelle/ Night Rain (Time 64:28)
CD3: Izzy Side - Drum Solo/ Bass Solo/ Guitar Solo - Pretty Tied Up (The Perils Of Rock 'N' Roll Decadence)/ You're Crazy/ Locomotive/ Outta Get Me/ Dead Horse/ Estranged/ Paradise City (Time 67:43)
THE NEW WORLD ORDER ACES HIGH AH CD 071/72 Alpine Valley Music Theatre, East Troy, WI May 24 1991 CD1: Radio Promotion/ Introduction, Scarface/ Right Next Door To Hell/ Mr. Brownstone/ Bad Obsession/ Dust N' Bones/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Civil War, Band Introduction/ Drum Solo/ Godfather Theme/ Pretty Tied Up
CD2: I Was Only Joking (introduction), Patience/ Only Women Bleed (introduction), Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Live And Let Die/ Estranged/ Welcome To The Jungle/ You Ain't The First/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Paradise City
THE STORY VOL. 1: FROM BEGINNING TO THE YEARS OF DESTRUCTION TEMPLAR TCD 41/ABCD Outtakes 1968 - 1969 CD1: Anything Goes/ Back Off Bitch/ Bad Obsession/ Bring It Back Home/ Blues Jam/ Crash Diet/ Don't Cry/ Heartbreak Hotel #1/ Heartbreak Hotel #2/ It's So Easy/ I Used To Love Her #1/ I Used To Love Her #2/ Instrumental Jam/ Jumping Jack Flash #1/ Jumping Jack Flash #2 (Time 67:38)
CD2: Just Another Sunday/ Yesterday/ You're Crazy #1/ You're Crazy #2/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door #1/ Mr. Brownstone #1/ Mr. Brownstone #2/ Move To The City #1/ Move To the City #2/ Move To The City #3/ My Michelle #1/ My Michelle #2/ Mama Kin #1/ Mama Kin #2/ Nice Boys (Time 62:13)
CD3: November Rain #1/ November Rain #2/ Night Train #1/ Night Train #2/ Out To Get Me #1/ Out To Get Me #2/ One In A Million/ Paradise City #1/ Paradise City #2/ Patience #1/ Patience #2/ Perfect Crime/ Reckless Life (Time 72:59)
CD4: Rocket Queen #1/ Rocket Queen #2/ Sweet Child O’ Mine #1/ Sweet Child O’ Mine #2/ Salt Of The Earth/ Shadow Of Your Love #1/ Shadow Of Your Love #2/ Sentimental Movie/ Too Much Too Soon/ Think About You/ The Garden/ Welcome To The Jungle #1/ Welcome To The Jungle #2/ Whole Lotta Rosie (Time 71:37)
THE STORY VOL. II: THE GOLDEN AGE TEMPLAR TCD 42/ABCD Live 1990 - 1993 CD1: Always On The Run/ Attitude/ Blues Jam/ Bad Obsession #2/ Civil War/ Coma/ Dead Flowers/ Don't Cry #2/ Dead Horse/ Double Talking Jive (Time 63:38)
CD2: Down On The Farm/ Estranged/ Godfather Theme/ Heartbreak Hotel #3/ Keep Smiling/ Instrumental Jam/ Used To Love Her/ It's Allright/ It's So Easy/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door #2 (Time 62:35)
CD3: You Ain't The First/ You Could Be Mine/ Yesterday #2/ You're Crazy #3/ Live And Let Die/ Locomotive/ Mama Kin #3/ Mother/ Move To The City #4/ Mr. Brownstone #3/ Night Train #3/ November Rain #3 (Time 64:26)
CD4: Only Women Bleed, Knockin' On Heavens Door #3/ Paradise City #3/ Patience #3/ Perfect Crime #2/ Pretty Tied Up/ Right Next Door To Hell/ Rocket Queen #3/ Shadow Of Your Love #3/ So Fine/ Sweet Child O’ Mine #3/ 14 Years/ Welcome To The Jungle #3/ Wild Horses (Time 71:55)
TOTAL DESTRUCTION LANGLEY-032 Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 8/10/1987 CD1: It's So Easy/ Move To The City/ Out Ta Get Me/ Mr. Brownstone/ My Michelle/ Rocket Queen/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Nightrain
CD2: Member Introduction/ You're Crazy/ Paradise City/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Reckless Life/ Mama Kin/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Whole Lotta Rosie
TRIBUTE MEN AT WORK 5530-2 Tracks 1-3 Ritz Theatre, New York 1988
Tracks 4-14 'Rock In Rio' Maracana Stadium, Rio De Janeiro january 20 1991
Outta Get Me/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ It's So Easy/ Pretty Tied Up/ Mr. Brownstone/ Patience/ Nightrain/ Theme from The Godfather/ Double Talkin'/ Welcome To the Jungle Pt. 1 & Pt. 2/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ You Could Be Mine/ Civil War
TURNED ON TO YOU BLUE KANGAROO RECORDS BK-05 Live studio rehearsals 1987 They're Out To Get Me/ Rocket Queen Part 1/ Rocket Queen Part 2/ Night Train/ My Michelle/ You're Crazy/ Paradise City/ Move To The City/ November Rain 1/ November Rain 2/ Shadow Of Your Love/ Wreckless Life/ Think About You/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Don't Cry/ Nice Boys (Time 70:00)
UNDISPUTED ACES HIGH AH CD 053/54 CD1 Montreal Forum, Montreal, Canada May 17 1988
CD2 Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA June 5 1988
CD1: Introduction, It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out Ta Get Me/ Only Woman Bleed (intro), Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ My Michelle/ Sweet Child O'Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Band Introduction/ Nightrain/ Used To Love Her
CD2: Introduction, It's So Easy/ It Tastes Good, Don't It?/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out Ta Get Me/ Only Woman Bleed (intro), Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Used To Love Her, Band Introduction/ Guitar Solo/ Nightrain
UNPLUGGED! KISS THE STONE KTS 220   Songs listed but not on CD: Dead Flowers (4:16)/ You Ain't The First (3:06)/ You're Crazy (5:30)/ Used To Love Her (3:31)/ Medley: Patience, Imagine (8:13)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (7:57)/ One In A Million (7:18)/ Used To Love Her (2:48)/ Patience (7:09)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:57)/ Move To The City (3:34)
UNPLUGGED GURO 4732   Dead Flowers/ You Ain't The First/ You're Crazy/ Used To Love Her/ Medley: (Patience/ Imagine)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ One In A Million/ Used To Love Her/ Patience/ Mr. Brownstone/ Move To The City (Time 58:30)
UNWANTED ILLUSIONS AXE 004 Tracks 1-4 unreleased tracks from the 'Use Your Illusion' sessions - R.S. Studios, Canoga Park, LA Spring 1990
Tracks 5-10 Unreleased 1987-1988
Tracks 11-15 Outtakes and demos
Crash Diet/ Bring It Back Home/ Sentimental Movie/ Just Another Sunday/ Axl's Blues/ It Tastes Good, Don't It?/ Too Fast To Live/ It's So Easy/ Scrap Bar Daze/ Booze Party/ Jumping Jack Flash/ Jumping Jack Flash/ Jumping Jack Flash/ Heartbreak Hotel/ Heartbreak Hotel (Time 60:12)
USA 1991 POST SCRIPT PSCD 2026 'Use Your Illusion' Tour, Indianapolis May 27 1991 CD1: Right Next Door To Hell (3:03)/ Mr. Brownstone (4:37)/ Bad Obsession (7:21)/ Dust ‘N' Bones (5:49)/ Double Talkin' Jive (5:17)/ Patience (8:02)/ Patience (8:02)/ Civil War (9:00)/ 14 Years (5:07)/ Live And Let Die (6:00)/ It's So Easy (3:44)/ Drums + Bass + Guitar Solos (7:39)
CD2: The Godfather (1:55)/ Rocket Queen (8.06)/ November Rain (9:51)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (8:58)/ Perfect Crime (3:21)/ Estranged (11:01)/ Sweet Child Of Mine (7:06)/ Welcome To The Jungle (5:18)/ Paradise City (6:07)
WAKE UP FUCKERS! INDIAN RECORDS IN-06 Tracks 1-8 St. Paul, MN December 17 1987
Tracks 9-14 Madison, WI December 19 1987
It's So Easy/ Outta Get Me/ Mr. Brownstone/ Sweet Child O’ Mine/ My Michelle/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Nightrain/ It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Move To The City/ I Used To Love Her/ Sweet Child O’ Mine/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (Time 67:52)
WAR LORD AFTER "ST. LOUIS RIOT", THE 2ND INCIDENT ACES HIGH AH CD 058/59 Copenhagen Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark August 18 1991 CD1: Introduction/ Nightrain/ Mr. Brownstone/ Bad Obsession/ Live And Let Die/ Dust N' Bones/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Civil War/ I Was Only Joking (intro), Patience/ You Could BE Mine/ November Rain/ Welcome To The Jungle, Band Introduction
CD2: Drum Solo/ Guitar Solo/ Godfather Theme/Bad Time (intro), Sweet Child 0' Mine/ Only Woman Bleed (intro), The Black Widow (intro), Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ My Michelle/ Estranged/ Paradise City
WELCOME TO HELL STARLIGHT 87035 LA Coliseum October 18 1989 It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Out Ta Get Me/ Move To The City/ Patience/ My Michelle/ Rocket Queen/ Sweet Child Of Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Paradise City
WELCOME TO THE SESSIONS CLUB 51 RECORDS GNR05 1987 sessions Side 1: Out To Get Me/ Rocket Queen/ Night Train/ My Michelle/ You re Crazy
Side 2: Paradise City/ Move To The City/ Sweet Lorraine/ Shadow Of Your Life/ Reckless Life
Side 3: Think About You/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Don't Cry Tonight/ Nice Boys/ Back Off Bitch
Side 4: Anything Goes/ Mama Kin/ Heartbreak Hotel/ Untitled/ Jumping Jack Flash
WORLD TOUR 1992 GOLDEN STARS GSCD 3225   CD1: It's So Easy (3.16)/ Mr. Brownstone (5:34)/ Live And Let Die (3:42)/ Attitude (2:04)/ Bad Obsession (8:34)/ Always On The Run (6:17)/ Double Talkin' Jive (7:22)/ Civil War (8:17)/ Wild Horses (3:06)/ Patience (7:16)/ You Could Be Mine (6:39)
CD2: It's Alright (5:09)/ November Rain (9:33)/ Introduction & Band Solos (12:02)/ The Godfather (4:42)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (7.06)/ Welcome To The Jungle (5:25)/ Only Women Bleed (2:50)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (10:48)/ Train Kept A Rollin' (4:11)
CD3: Don't Cry (4:43)/ Paradise City (8:02)/ So Fine (4:11)/ Rocket Queen (8:26)/ Move To The City (7:47)/ Night Train (5:10)/ Pretty Tied Up (5:19)/ Estranged (9:12)
WORLD TOUR '92 VINYL VIRUS VV LP 011 World Tour 1992 Side 1: Intro (0:33)/ It's So Easy (3:14)/ Mr. Brownstone (5:34)/ Live And Let Die (3:37)/ Attitude (2:09)/ Bad Obsession (8:34)
Side 2: Always On The Run (6:20) Double Talking Jive (5:51)/ Slash Solo #1 (1:27)/ Wild Horses (3:06)
Side 3: Patience (7:16)/ You Could Be Mine (6:41)/ November Rain (9:37)
Side 4: Band Introduction, Matt Sorum Drum Solo, Duff McKagan Bass Solo (12:02)/ Godfather (3:01)/ Sweet Child O' Mine (8:47)
Side 5: It's Alright (5:07)/ Welcome To The Jungle (5:52)/ Slash Solo #3 (1:29)/ Only Women Bleed (1.21)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (10:30)
Side 6: Mama Kin (4:23)/Train Kept A Rollin' (4:31)/ Don't Cry (6:31)/ Mother (0:57)/ Paradise City (7:04)
WORLD TOUR '92 OHM DIGITAL RECORDINGS OHM 2 A/B/C Live In Europe CD1: Intro (Theme Of Perry Mason TV Show)/ It's So Easy/ Mr. Brownstone/ Live And Let Die/ Attitude/ Bad Obsession/ Always On The Run (With Lenny Kravitz)/ Double Talkin' Jive/ Slash Solo #1/ Civil War/ Slash Solo #2/ Wild Horses/ Patience/ You Could Be Mine/ It's Alright
CD2: November Rain/ Band Introduction: Matt Sorum Drum Solo - Duff McKagan Bass Solo/ Godfather/ Sweet Child O' Mine/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Slash Solo #3/ Only Women Bleed/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door/ Mama Kin/ Train Kept A Rollin' (With Steven Tyler & Joe Perry)/ Don't Cry/ Mother/ Paradise City
EXTRA DISC So Fine/ Rocket Queen/ Move To The City/ Night Train/ Pretty Tied Up/ Estranged
YOU COULD BE MINE (VOL. 1) BANANA BAN-013-A USA 1993 Wild Horses (3:52)/ Live And Let Die (3:31)/ Don't Cry (4:32)/ Bad Obsession (6:56)/ Medley: Double Talkin' Jive, Voodoo Chile (Slight Return) (8:46)/ Civil War (8:10)/ November Rain (9:57)/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door (10:13)/ Pretty Tied Up (The Perils Of Rock 'N' Roll Decadence) (5:12)/ You Could Be Mine (6:03)
YOU COULD BE… MIXING RECORDS MX7002 Sides 1-5 August 16 1991
Side 6 Farm Aid 3, Indianapolis April 7 1991
Side 1: Nightrain/ Mr. Brownstone/ Bad Obsession/ Live And Let Die/ Dust And Bones
Side 2: Double Talkin' Jive/ Civil War/ Slash Solo/ Patience
Side 3: You Could Be Mine/ November Rain/ Welcome To The Jungle/ Matt Sorum Drum Solo
Side 4: Godfather Theme/ Rocket Queen/ Only Women Bleed/ Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Side 5: Sweet Child O' Mine/ Estranged/ Paradise City
Side 6: Civil War/ Down On The Farm

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