Marilyn Manson






5000 FINGERS OF MARILYN MANSON EMCD21 Tracks 1-6 refrigerator studio demos
Tracks 7-10 The Family Jams studio demos
Tracks 11-16 Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto December 1 1994
Cake & Sodomy (4:22)/ Suicide Snowman (5:09)/ Lunch Box (4:57)/ Learning To Swim (3:50)/ My Monkey (4:50)/ Misery Mechanic (4:34)/ Dope Hat (4:49)/ Strange Same Dogma (4:03)/ Let Your Ego Die (3:59)/ Thingmaker (4:08)/ (Prelude) Cake & Sodomy (6:02)/ Snake Eyes & Sissies (4:100/ Get Your Gun (3:36)/ Dope Hat (4:09)/ Sweet Dreams, Organ Grinder (4:51)/ Lunchbox (4:30)
ANTICHRIST IN PARIS EURO BOOT EB-68 1/2 Zenith, Paris, France January 25 2001 CD1: Count To Six And Die (The Vacuum Of Infinite Space Encompassing)/ Irresponsible Hate Anthem/ The Dead Song/ Disposable Teens/ Great Big White World/ Tourniquet/ The Fight Song/ The Nobodies/ My Monkey, Lunchbox/ Rock Is Dead/ The Dope Show/ Cruci, Fiction In Space/ Cake And Sodomy/ Burning Flag/ Sweet Dreams/ Valentine's Day/ The Love Song/ The Beautiful People
CD2: 1996/ Intro + Angel With The Scabbed Wings/ Get Your Gunn/ Dogma/ Dried Up, Tied, And Dead To The World/ Tourniquet/ My Monkey, Lunchbox/ Sweet Dreams/ Irresponsible Hate Anthem/ Minutes Of Decay/ Little Horn/ The Beautiful People/ The Reflecting God/ 1996/ Cake & Sodomy/ Misery Machine/ Man That You Fear
ANTICHRIST SYDNEY TRIPLE XXX TRX004 Big Day Out Festival, Sydney, Australia January 23 1999 Reflecting God/ Great Big White World/ Cake And Sodomy/ Sweet Dreams/ Rock Is Dead/ The Dope Show/ Unknown/ I Don't Like Drugs/ Rock 'N Roll Nigger/ Antichrist Superstar/ Beautiful People
BIZARRE FESTIVAL 06970 Butzweiler Hof, Cologne August 16 1997 Get Your Gun (3:06)/ Cake & Sodomy (3:45)/ Dried Up, Tied & Dead To The World (4:19)/ Tourniquet (5:04)/ Lunchbox (4:24)/ Sweet Dreams (4:45)/ Beautiful People (4:36)/ Impossible Hate Anthem (4:05)/ I Put A Spell On You (4:36)/ Everlasting Cocksucker (5:22)/ My Monkey (4:44)/ Kiddie Grinder (4:33)/ Dance Of The Dope Hats (4:41)/ White Trash (2:46)/ Rock 'N' Roll Nigger (3:33)/ Chokolit Factory (6:20)
BIZARRE FESTIVAL, GERMANY 1997 GV-002 11th Rockpalast Bizarre Festival, Germany August 16 1997 Get Your Gun/ Cake/ Sodomy/ Dried Up, Lied & Dead To The World/ Tourniquet/ Lunch Box/ Sweet Dreams/ The Beautiful People/ Irresponsible Hate Anthem
CHRISTMAS GREETINGS FROM MR. MANSON   The Forum, London December 12 1996 Angel With The Scabbed Wings/ Get Your Gunn/ Dogma/ Dried Up, Tied And Dead To The World/ Tourniquet/ My Monkey, Lunchbox/ Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)/ Irresponsible Hate Anthem/ Minute Of Decay/ Little Horn/ Beautiful People/ The Reflecting God/ 1996/ Cake & Sodomy/ Misery Machine/ Man That You Fear (Time 72:41)
Tracks 11-17 Minneapolis, MN 1/06/1994
Cake And Sodomie/ Untitled/ Lunchbox/ Learning To Swim/ My Monkey/ Misery Machine/ Dope Hat/ Dogma/ Let Your Ego Die/ Thing Maker/ Cake And Sodomie/ Snakeeyes And Sissies/ Get Your Gunn/ Dope Hat/ Sweet Dreams/ Lunchbox/ My Monkey (Time 74:29)
DEAD IN CHICAGO 1995 FLIM FLAM RECORDS FFR01   Wrapped In Plastic/ Snake Eyes And Sissies/ Get Your Gun/ Dogma/ Cake And Sodomy/ Not Lovers Not Friends/ Dope Hat/ My Monkey/ New Song/ Organ Grinder/ Lunch Box/ Plus 5 Songs From Mr. Manson's First Band Marilyn Manson And The Spooky Kids (circa 1989) (Time 67:42)



Demos from 1993 and 1994

Cake And Sodomy/ Suicide Snowman/ Lunchbox/Thrift/ Filth/Wrapped In Plastic/ Intro, Misery Machine/ Booker II Cat In The Hat/ Justify My Love/ Dope Hat/ Strange Same Dogma/ Let Your Ego Die/ Thingmaker/ White Knuckles/ Luci In The Sky With Demons (Time 72:55)
DUTCH DYNAMO DRCD 894509 Tracks 1-9 The Dynamo Festival, Eindhoven May 18 1997
Tracks 10-15 remixes
Cake And Sodomy/ Dried Up, Tied & Dead To The World/ Tourniquet/ Lunchbox/ Sweet Dreams/ Little Whore/ Beautiful People/ Irresponsible Hate Anthem/ Angel With Scabbed Wings/ The Horrible People/ Next Motherfucker (remix)/ Brown Bar (remix)/ Metal (remix)/ Lunchbox (High School Drop Out)/ White Trash (remix) (Time 73:18)
EACH OTHER SHIT IN THE SHADOW SYLPH RECORDS SP-031595 Sun Palace, Fukuoka, Japan March 15 2001 CD1: Intro, Count To 6 And Die (The Vacuum Of Infinite Space Encompassing)/ Irresponsible Hate Anthem/ The Death Song/ Disposable Teens/ Great White World/ Tourniquet/ The Fight Song/ The Nobodies/ My Monkey, Lunchbox/ Rock Is Dead
CD2: The Dope Show/ Cruci-Fiction In Space/ Burning Flag/ In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death, Born Again/ Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)/ Valentine's Day/ The Love Song/ The Beautiful People/ Encore: Mister Superstar, 1996
FAMILY VALUES SA 193743 Gothic Underground, Victoria, BC, Canada June 6 1996 Wrapped In Plastic/ Snake Eyes & Sissies/ Get Your Gun/ Dogma/ Cyclops/ Down In The Park/ Dope Hat/ My Monkey/ Inside My Head/ Organ Grinder/ Lunchbox/ Sweet Dreams/ Misery Machine (Time 61:26)
IN THE NAME OF HATE KOBRA RECORDS KRCD 28 Tracks 1-8 Bizarre Festival, Köln, Germany August 16 1997
Tracks 9-16 Dynamo Festival, Eindhoven May 18 1997
Get Your Gunn/ Cake And Sodomy/ Dried Up, Tied And Dead To The World/ Tourniquet/ Lunch Box/ Sweet Dreams/ The Beautiful People/ Irresponsible Hate Anthem/ Cake And Sodomy/ Dried Up, Tied And Dead To The World/ Tourniquet/ Lunch Box/ Sweet Dreams/ Little Horn/ The Beautiful People/ Irresponsible Hate Anthem (Time 74:54)
KILL YOUR IDOLS KOBRA RECORDS KRCD 22 Tracks 1-7 Minneapolis 1/6/1994
Tracks 8-12 USA Tour 1995
Tracks 13-18 demos 1990
Cake And Sodomy/ Snakeeyes And Sissies/ Get Your Gunn/ Dope Hat/ Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)/ Lunchbox/ My Monkey/ Come Together/ Lunchbox/ Snakeeyes And Sissies/ Strawberry Fields/ Kiddie Grinder/ Iron Man/ Mellow Yellow/ Respected But Rejected/ In The Sink/ Dogma/ Let Your Ego Die (Time 76:37)
LYNCH BOX - THE B-SIDES & MIXES MM 97.A00361   Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (mix)/ Dance Of The Dopehats (remix)/ Down In The Park (remix)/ Lynch Box (Next Mother Fucker) (remix)/ Lynch Box (mix)/ Next Mother Fucker (remix)/ Down In The Park (mix)/ Brown Bag (remix)/ Metal (remix)/ Mother Inferior Got Her Gunn (remix)/ Revelation #9/ Snake Eyes And Sissies/ The Horrible People (remix)/ White Trash (remix) (Time 77:39)
MECHANICAL N.K. 1999   Tokyo Bay N.K. Hall, Japan January 8 1999 CD1: The Reflecting God/ Great Big White World/ Cake And Sodomy/ Pasthuman/ Mechanical Animals/ Disappear/ Sweet Dreams, Hell/ The Speed Of Pain/ Rock Is Dead/ The Dope Show
CD2: Lunchbox/ User Friendly/ I Don't Like Drugs/ Rock 'N' Roll Nigger/ Antichrist Superstar/ The Beautiful People/ Irresponsible Hate Anthem
MONKEY MASSACRE MK-701 Cambridge, Mass February 9 1995 Organ Grinder/ Cyclops/ Get Your Gun/ Dope Hat/ Wrapped In Plastic/ Sweet Dreams/ Snake Eyes And Sissies/ Dogma/ Down In The Park/ My Monkey/ Lunchbox/ Misery Machine/ Rock 'N' Roll Nigger (Time 68:58)
MR. MANSON'S HOME DEMOS SBC028 Tracks 1-4 & 14-15 1990 demos
Tracks 5-13 recorded in Mr. Manson's house in the late 1980's while in a drunken stupor and
heavy on sedatives
Iron Man/ Mellow Yellow/ Respected But Rejected/ In The Sink (Simple String)/ The Telephone/. Suffocation/ Shop-Sha/ Devil In My Lunchbox/ Bone Job/ Blood, Shit & Cum/ Those Fuckin' Bitches/ Mom's Vinyl Coat/ Justify My Love/ Dogma/ Trouble In The Van
RESIDENT EVIL STK 645 'Smells Like Children' uncensored and uncut Abuse Part 1/ Diary Of A Dope Fiend/ Shitty Chicken Gang Bang/ Kiddie Grinder/ Sympathy For The Parents/ Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)/ Everlasting Cocksucker/ Fuck Frankie/ I Put A Spell On You/ Abuse Part 2 (Confession)/ Scabs, Guns And Peanuts Butter/ Dance Of The Dope Hats/ White Trash/ Dancing With The One-Legged/ Rock And Roll Nigger/ Untitled/ Procardia/ My Monkey (unreleased demo)/ Choklit Factory (unreleased demo) (Time: 66:01)
SATAN'S CHEERLEEDER MOONRAKER 259 The Bizarre Festival, Cologne, Germany August 17 1997 Get Your Gun (3:12)/ Cake And Sodomy (3:48)/ Dried Up, Tied Up And Dead To The World (5:10)/ Tourniquet (4:14)/ Lunchbox (5:02)/ Sweet Dreams (4:34)/ The Beautiful People (5:12)/ Irresponsible Hate Anthem (4:38) (Time 36:00)
SCAR YOUR MINDS SYLPH SP-81901243 Summer Sonic 2001, Chiba Marine Stadium, Japan August 19 2001 Intro/ Irresponsible Hate Anthem/ The Reflecting God/ Disposable Teens/ The Fight Song/ The Noobdeies/ Rock Is Dead/ The Dope Show/ Cruci-Fiction In Space/ Sweet Dreams/ The Love Song/ Rock 'N' Roll Nigger/ Antichrist Superstar/ The Beautiful People
SNAKEYES & SISSIES SECD 749100-324   The Not So Beautiful People (remix) (UK single B-Side)/ Snake Eyes And Sissies (UK single B-Side)/ The Beautiful People (remix) (UK single B-Side)/ Cryptochild (UK single B-Side)/ Apple Of Doom (from The Lost Highway soundtrack)/ Next Motherfucker (remix) (US single B-Side)/ Down In The Park (US single B-Side)/ Brown Bag (remix) (US single B-Side)/ Metal (remix) (US single B-Side)/ Lunchbox (High School Drop Outs) (US single B-Side)/ Mother Inferior Got Her Gunn (US single B-Side)/ Revelations No. 9 (US single B-Side) (Time 67:41)
SWEET DREAMS WESTWOOD ONE RARITIES ON CD VOL. 65   Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This/ Dance Of The Dopehats (remix)/ Down In The Park (remix)/ Lunch Box (Next Mother Fucker)/ Lunch Box/ Next Mother Fucker (remix)/ Down In The Park/ Brown Bag (remix)/ Metal (remix)/ Lunch Box (High School Dropouts)/ Mother Inferior Got Her Gunn (remix)/ Revelations #9 (Time 68:22)
SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL STK 595 Demos 1993/1994 Cake And Sodomy/ Suicide Snowman/ Lunchbox/ Thrift/ Filth/ Wrapped In Plastic/ Intro, Misery Machine/ Booker T/ Cat In The Hat/ Justify My Love/ Dope Hat/ Strange Same Dogma/ Let Your Ego Die/ Thingmaker/ White Knuckles/ Luci In The Sky With Demons (Time 72:53)
THE ANTICHRIST DANCE (THE REMIXES) CM 698397   The Reflecting God (Dark View-Mix)/ Antichrist Superstar (Prayer-Mix)/ Mister Superstar (Nightmare-Mix)/ Dance Of The Dope Hats (Hangover-Mix)/ Beautiful People (Misanthropy-Mix)/ Angel With Scabbed Wings (Cloud 9-Mix)/ Kinderfeld (Corn-Mix)/ Cryptorchid (Shadowplay-Mix)/ Dried Up (Dark Juice-Mix)/ Deformography (Elephant Man-Mix) (Time 71:51)
SELENA'S TRUE KILLERS HURRICANE HURR 50 Corpus Christi, Texas September 28 1995 Hands Of Small Children/ Wrapped In Plastic/ Snake Eyes And Sissies/ Get Your Gunn/ Dogma/ Cyclops/ Cake & Sodomy/ Down In The Park/ Dope Hat/ My Monkey/ Smells Like Children/ Organ Grinder/ Lunch Box/ Rock 'N' Roll Nigger/ Sweet Dreams/ Misery Machine (Time 62:38)
TRENT'S NASTY BABES INSECT 1ST 100 Abyss, Houston, Texas January 11 1995 Intro/ Organ Grinder/ Cyclops/ Get Your Gunn/ Dope Hat/ Wrapped In Plastic/ Sweet Dream/ Snake Eyes And Sissies/ Dogma/ Dawn In The Park/ My Monkey/ Lunchbox/ Misery Machine/ Rock 'N' Roll Nigger (Time 61:53)
TV-FUCKED BY PLASTIC QUEENS MMS 98   The Not So Beautiful People (single only releases)/ Snake Eyes And Sissies (single only releases)/ Abuse (from uncensored 'Smells Like Children' album)/ Tourniquet (Frosthetic Sex Mix) (single only releases)/ The Suck For Your Solution (from 'Howard Stern' soundtrack)/ Mother Inferior Got Her Gun (Flash Mix) (single only releases)/ Stern Experience (from 'Howard Stern' soundtrack)/ The Horrible People (single only releases)/ Long Hard Road Out Of Hell (from 'Spawn' soundtrack featuring Sneaker Pimps)/ Fuck You Very Much ('The Shitty Chicken Gang Bang Mix')/ Antichrist Superstar ('The Shitty Chicken Gang Bang Mix')/ Down In The Park ('The Shitty Chicken Gang Bang Mix')/ Deformography ('The Shitty Chicken Gang Bang Mix')/ Everlasting Cocksucker ('The Shitty Chicken Gang Bang Mix')/ Cake & Sodomy ('The Shitty Chicken Gang Bang Mix')/ Beautiful People (MTV Awards 1997) (Time 66:32)
UNCUT KISS THE STONE KTS 546 'Smells Like Children' uncensored and uncut Abuse Part 1/ Diary Of A Dope Fiend/ Shitty Chicken Gang Bang/ Kiddie Grinder/ Sympathy For The Parents/ Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)/ Everlasting Cocksucker/ Fuck Frankie/ I Put A Spell On You/ Abuse Part 2 (Confession)/ Scabs, Guns And Peanuts Butter/ Dance Of The Dope Hats/ White Trash/ Dancing With The One-Legged/ Rock And Roll Nigger/ Untitled/ Procardia/ My Monkey (unreleased demo)/ Choklit Factory (unreleased demo) (Time: 66:01)
WHERE EVIL DWELLS SCARFACE SCR005 Recorded during 1996-97 'Antichrist Superstar' world tour, Santiago, Chile November 1996 Angel With Scabbed Wings/ Get Your Gun/ Dogma/ Next Motherfucker/ Tourniquet/ My Monkey/ Sweet Dreams/ Irresponsible Hate Anthem/ Little Horn/ The Beautiful People/ 1996/ Misery Machine/ Angel With Scabbed Wings/ Sweet Dreams/ The Beautiful People/ The Reflecting God (Time 67:19)

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