






RTW 008


Flashback/ Missing/ Deity/ Stigmata/ No Bunny (Pailhead)/ Golden Dawn/ No Devotion (Revolting Cocks)/ The Light Pours Out Of Me (Magazine)/ Smothered Hope (Skinny Puppy) (Time: 54:41)
KILL FOR KICKS COCOMELOS RECORDS CM 016 Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles December 27 1992 N.W.O (7:34)/ The Missing/ Deity (5:57)/ Hero (3:15)/ Psalm 69 (5:08)/ Just One Fix (4:43)/ TV Song (2:27)/ So What (11:09)/ Thieves (5:10)/ Stigmata (9:06)/ Scarecrow (8:37)/ Super-Naut (6:37)
LOLLAPALOOZA '92 KISS THE STONE KTS 116 New Orleans September 4 1992 N.W.C./ Burning Inside/ Deity/ Supernaut/ T.V. Song/ Just One Fix/ Thieves/ So What/ Stigmata/ Breathe (Time 63:18)
LOS ANGELES 1992 RARITIES & FEW RF1233 Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles December 27 1992 NWO (7:38)/ The Missing (5:57)/ Hero (3:15)/ Psalm 69 (5:07)/ Just One Fix (4:45)/ TV II (2:27)/ So What (11:09)/ Thieves (5:10)/ Stigmata (8:58)/ Scarecrow (8:40)/ Super-Naut (6:38)/ Breathe (5:43)
POWER DEPARTMENT BUNDY RECORDS SE 308 Omaha February 13 1990 Breathe (6:43)/The Missing (3:45)/ Deity (3:06)/ Man Should Surrender (4:11)/ No Bunny (6:08)/ Smothered Hope (5:55)/ So What (11:37)/ Burning Inside (4:30)/Thieves (6:15) Stigmata (7:45)/ Stainless Steel Pounders (6:58)/ Public Image (2:55)/ Land Of Rape And Honey (4:59)
THIEVES AND HEROES FLASHBACK 03.93.0206 Universal Amphitheatre, LA December 27 1992 NWO (7:27)/The Missing, Deity (6:07)/ Hero (3:15)/ Psalm 69 (5:07)/ Just One Fix (4:41)/ TV-Song (2:25)/ So What (10:49)/ Thieves (5:09)/ Stigmata (8:12)/ Scarecrow (8:27)/ Super-Naut (6:06)/Breathe (5:31)
TRIP TO HELL KISS THE STONE KTS 150 Omaha February 13 1990 Breathe (6:43)/ The Missing (3:26)/ Deity (3:48)/ Man Should Surrender (3:42)/ No Bunny (5:48)/ Smothered Love (5:58)/ So What (11:42)/ Thieves (5:31)/ Stigmata (9:30)/ Stainless Steel Pounders (7:26)/ Public Image (2:43)/ Land Of Rape And Honey (3:44)
WELCOME TO THE SECRET WORLD OF PLUTO RECORDS PLR CD 9302 Sacramento February 27 1990 Breathe/ Smothered Hope/ Stigmata/ The Missing/ No Bunny/ Deity/ Man Should Surrender/ Burning Inside/ Stainless Steel Pounders/ So What/ Public Image/ Thieves/ Land Of Rape And Honey

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