






CD 120001

Tracks 1-5 New York 1992
Track 6 Los Angeles, September 1991
Track 7 previously released on strictly limited 10" record in UK
Tracks 8-9 Two different versions of song recorded by charity project named Hear 'n' Aid
Track 10 early demo later added to the CD version of debut EP 'Queen Of The Reich'

I Will Remember/ The Killing Words/ Delia Brown/ Silent Lucidity/ The Lady Wore Black/ Silent Lucidity (orchestra version)/ Overseeing The Operation/ Stars (single version)/ Stars (maxi version)/ Prophecy (demo version) (Time 56:13)
AMSTERDAM 1990 POST SCRIPT PSCD 1142 Edenhal, Amsterdam November 29 1990 Medley: Anarchy-X - Revolution Calling (6:34)/ Operation Mindcrime (4:10)/ Speak (3:46)/ Spreading The Disease (2:25)/ Spreading The Disease Reprise (2:59)/ The Mission (4:52)/ Suite Sister Mary (10:25)/ The Needle Lies (3:22)/ Breaking The Silence (4:32)/ Medley: I Don't Believe In Love - Waiting For 22 (4:02)/ Eyes Of A Stranger (8:08)/ Silent Lucidity (5:58)
ANARCHY-X FLASHBACK FB0160 Amsterdam November 29 1990 Anarchy-X/ Revolution Calling/ Operation Mind Crime/ Speak/ Spreading The Disease/ Spreading The Disease Reprise/ The Mission/ Suite Sister Mary/ The Needle Lies/ The Needle Lies Reprise/ Breaking The Silence/ Medley: Don't Believe In Love, Waiting For 22/ My Empty Room/ Eyes Of A Stranger/ Silent Lucidity (Time 67:51)
ASTORIA THEATRE '94 ONE OFF MUSIC Q1000 The Astoria Theatre, London, England October 20 1994 Empire (4:34)/ Anarchy XI Revolution Calling (6:13)/ Damaged (5:40)/ Promised Land (8:03)/ Disconnected (5:25)/The Killing Words (4:09)/ Delia Brown (7:03)/ Bridge (4:19)/ Silent Lucidity (6:31)/The Lady Wore Black (6:11)/ My Empty Room Real World (6:52)/ I Don't Believe In Love (5:29)/ Eyes Of A Stranger (7:20)
BREAKING THE SILENCE HALLMARK RECORDS HM 001 CD   Anarchy X/ Revolution Calling/ Operation Mindcrime/ Speak/ Spreading The Disease/ The Mission/ Suite Sister Mary/ The Needle Lies/ Electric Requiem/ Breaking The Silence/ I Don't Believe In Love/ My Empty Room/ Eyes Of A Stranger/ Silent Lucidity
BREAKING THE SILENCE INVISIBLE PASSION INV.CD5-007 Seattle December 31 1988 Queen Of The Reich/ Surgical Strike/ The Whisper/ Walk In The Shadows/ Chemical Youth/ No Sanctuary/ Revolution Calling/ Operation Mindcrime/ The Mission/ The Needle Lies/ Electric Requiem/ Breaking The Silence/ Don't Believe In Love/ Eyes Of A Stranger (Time 70:33)
DISEASE IS RAMPANT DRDB672 Buffalo NY March 1989 Queen Of Reich/ Anarchy-X/ Revolution Calling/ Operation: Mindcrime/ Speak/ Spreading The Disease/ Take Hold Of The Flame/ The Needle Lies/ Chemical Youth/ Eyes Of A Stranger (Time 46:58)
EN FORCE HE 2050A Detroit December 1 1984 Side 1: Nightrider/ The Prophecy/ Deliverance/ NM 156
Side 2: Child Of Fire/ Before The Storm/ Guitar Solo/ Blinded
Side 3: The Lady Wore Black/ En Force/ Roads To Madness
Side 4: Warning/ Queen Of The Reich/ Take Hold Of The Flame
END OF THE SILENCE BULLSEYE RECORDS CD-EYE-16 A/B Seattle January 1 1992 Resistance/ Walk In The Shadows/ Best I Can/ Empire/ The Thin Line/ Jet City Woman/ Another Rainy Night (Without You)/ Warning/ Revolution Calling/ Operation Mindcrime/ Speak/ Spreading The Disease/ The Mission/ Sister Mary/ The Needle Lies/ Breaking The Silence/ I Don't Believe In Love/ Eyes Of A Stranger/ Delia Brown/ Last Time In Paris/ Silent Lucidity
LIVE FROM THE FRONTIER BONDAGE MUSIC BON130 Albuquerque, New Mexico July 4 1997 You/ The Voice Inside/ Empire/ Jet City Woman/ Bridge/ Silent Lucidity/ Sign Of The Times/ I Don't Believe In Love/ Interview Part 1/ Interview Part 2
MIGHT MAKES RYCHE THE COMPACT DISC 164/1.2 Nassau Coliseum July 26 1991 CD1: Walk In The Shadows/ The Best I Can/ Empire/ Walk The Thin Line/ Jet Set Woman/ Last Time In Paris/ Revolution Calling/ Operation Mindcrime/ Speak
CD2: Spreading The Disease/ The Mission/ Suite Sister Mary/ The Needle Lies/ Breaking The Silence/ I Don't Believe In Love/ Eyes Of A Stranger/ Take Hold The Flame
NIGHTRYDERS OH BOY 1-9128 Tokyo 1985 Nightrider/ Prophecy/ Deliverance/ Child Of Fire/ En Force/ Blinded/ The Lady Wore Black/ Warning/ Take Hold Of The Flame/ Queen Of The Reich
QUEEN OF THE REICH RARITIES AND FEW TKCD 1046 Germany October 24 1984 Nightrider (4:14)/ Prophesy (3:58)/ Deliverance (3:36)/ N.M. 156 (4:11)/ Child Of Fire (5:24)/ Before The Storm (4:33)/ Guitar Solo (1:12)/ Blinded (3:17)/ The Lady Wore Black (6:53)/ Warning (5:15)/ Take Hold Of The Flame (5:19)
QUEENSRYCHE MS 102 Toronto, Canada September 1986 Side 1: Neveregel/ Surgical Strike/ Nightrider/ Deliverance/ The Whisper
Side 2: Gonna Get Close To You/ Chemical Youth/ We Walk In The Shadow/ Queen Of The Reich/ Take Hold Of The Flame
SAINTS AND SINNERS KISS THE STONE KTS 460/61 The San Jose Arena, San Jose, CA May 5 1995 CD1: 9.28 A.M./ I Am I/ Damaged/ Bridge/ Screaming In Digital NM 156/ My Global Mind/ Neue Regel/ I Remember Now Anarchy X Revolution Calling/ Operation Mindcrime/ Spreading The Disease/ The Mission/ I Don't Believe In Love/ My Empty Room (Time 60:32)
CD2: Eyes Of A Stranger/ Empire/ Jet City Woman/ Promised Land/ Dis-Con-Nec-Ted/ Lady Jane/ Out Of Mind/ One More Time/ Silent Lucidity/ Take Hold Of The Flame/ Someone Else (Time 63:32)
SCREAMING FOR FREEDOM TAURUS 004 9108 Sweden 1988 Side 1: Intro (1:50)/ Revolution Calling (4:30)/ Operation: Mindorime (4:26)/ Speak (3:30)/ Spreading The Disease (4:02)
Side 2: Take Hold The Flame (4:46)/ Breaking the Silence (4:45)/ I Don't Believe In Love (4:14)/ Eyes Of A Stranger (6:15)
SCREAMING LAUGHTER GLORY BOUND B-017-01 Tracks 1-10 Nihon Seinen-Kan Tokyo 1985
Tracks 11-16 Spectrum Philadelphia March 12 1989
Night Rider/ Prophecy/ Deliverance/ Child Of Fire/ En Force/ Blinded/ The Lady Wore Black/ Warning/ Take Hold Of The Flame/ Queen Of The Reich/ Operation Mindcrime/ Speak/ Spreading The Disease/ Take Hold Of The Flame/ The Needle Lies (Time 65:49)
SPEAK THE WORD MELTDOWN ML 91603 Tracks 1-9 Sporthalle, Cologne, Germany October 26 1988 Anarchy X/ Revolution Calling/ Operation Mindcrime/ Speak/ Spreading The Disease/ Take Hold Of The Flame/ Breaking The Silence/ I Don't Believe In Love/ Eyes Of A Stranger/ Resistance/ Walk In The Shadows/ Best I Can (Time 48:38)
STARTING THROUGH LIVE LIFE LL CD 9107 Empire Tour, Netherlands Resistance (4:44)/ Walk In The Shadows (3:38)/ Best I Can (6:49)/ Empire (5:58)/ The Thin Line (6:40)/ Jet City Woman (5:12)/ Road To Madness (6:50)/ I Remember You (3:10)/ Anarchy-X (7:51)/ Revolution Calling (7:52)/ Operation Mindcrime (2:33)/ Speak (2:54)/ Spreading The Disease (5:40)/ The Mission (2:55)
STATE OF ART OXYGEN OXY 016/017 San Jose Arena, San Jose, CA May 24 1995 CD1: 9:28 A.M. (1:48)/ I Am I (3:52)/ Damaged (4:06)/ Bridge (3:31)/ Screaming In Digital (2:38)/ NM 156 (2:59)/ My Global Mind (4:15)/ Neue Regel (2:58)/ I Remember Now (1:01)/ Anarchy X (1:27)/ Revolution Calling (4:58)/ Operation Mindcrime (4:12)/ Spreading The Disease (5:07)/ The Mission (5:50)/ I Don't Believe In Love (4:24)/ Waiting For 22 (1:13)/ My Empty Room (2:48)/ Real World (3:14)/ Eyes Of A Stranger (7:52)
CD2: Empire (5:26)/ Jet City Woman (5:14)/ Promised Land (8:13)/ Disconnected (4:43)/ Lady Jane (5:31)/ Out Of Mind (4:46)/ One More Time (5:32)/ Silent Lucidity (5:42)/ Take Hold Of The Flame (5:47)/ Someone Else? (4:44)/ Bridge (3:28, acoustic session, Rock FM Studio, Milano, Italy October 28 1994)/ Silent Lucidity (5:40, acoustic session, Rock FM Studio, Milano, Italy October 28 1994)/The Lady Wore Black (4:54, acoustic session, Vara Studio, Hilversum, Holland November 1994)
Tracks 8-9 'Myth' demos
Waiting For The Kill Prophecy/ Child Of Fire/ Before The Storm/ Sanctuary/ The Warning/ Roads To Madness/ Scarborough Fair/ Walk In The Shadow
'THE NEW METAL GODS LIVE’ EVIL RECORDS Offenbach October 24 1984 Side 1: Nightrider/ Prophecy (previously unreleased)/ Deliverance/ NM 156/ Child Of Fire/ Before The Storm
Side 2: Guitar Solo/ Blinded/ The Lady Wore Black/ Warning/ Take Hold Of The Flame/ Queen Of The Reich
THE NOBILITY OF TOXIC PHARMACEUTICALS KING RECORDS 01 Nassau Coliseum March 8 1989 Side 1: Queen Of The Ryche/ Revolution Calling/ Operation Mind Crime/ Speak/ Spread The Disease
Side 2: Take Hold Of The Flame/ The Needle Lies/ Chemical Youth/ Eyes Of A Stranger
Tracks 6-9 NYC October 1983
Track 10 Budokan, Tokyo 1985
I Will Remember (acoustic) (4:00)/ The Killing Words (3:57)/ Delia Brown (acoustic) (5:53)/ Silent Lucidity (acoustic) (5:26)/ The Lady Wore Black (acoustic) (5:20)/ Prophecy (3:49)/ Blinded (4:27)/The Lady Wore Black (electric) (3:29)/ Queen Of The Reich (7:01)/ Deliverance (3:45)/ Child Of Fire (4:43)/ En Force (5:40)/ Warning (5:23)/Take Hold Of My Flame (5:01)

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