Quicksilver Messenger Service






BABYLON THE THIRD EYE Tracks 1-5 Pacific High Studios, San Francisco early 1967
Tracks 6-11 Continental Sound Studios late 1967
Tracks 12-15 'Shady Grove' outtakes 1969
Codine (4:55)/ Your Time Will Come (3:08)/ Too Long (3:12)/ Who Do You Love (5:57)/ Walkin' Blues (3:07)/ Dino's Song (3:20)/ Gold & Silver (2:36)/ Light Your Windows (2:39)/ I Hear You Knockin' (3:19)/ The Fool, Acapulco (14:33)/ Calvary (6:31)/ Edward The Mad Shirt Grinder (8:42)/ Joseph's Coat (3:44)/ Holy Moly (4:40)/ Shady Grove (2:28)



Tracks 1 -4 Fillmore West 1968
Tracks 5-7 Golden State Recorders November 19 1968
Tracks 8-12 Wally Heyer Studios 1970 in San Francisco
Tracks 13-14 Calibration Show 1971

Mona (6:33)/ Maiden Of The Cancer Moon (3:15)/ Cavalry (7:13)/ Smokestack Lightning <14:O6)/ Stand By Me (3:52)/ Cavalry (7:45)/ Happy Trails (1:53)/ Won't Kill Me (2:28)*/ All In My Mind (3:51)/ Good Old Rock 'N' Roll (2:38)*/ What About Me Revisited (3:53)*/ Local Colour (3:01)/ Mojo (7:59)/ The Hat (9:45)
FIRST ALBUM DEMOS   1966 demos for first album Side 1: Pride Of Man/ Light Your Windows/ I Hear You Knocking/ Back Door Man/ Dino's Song
Side 2: The Fool/ A Love Song/ untitled
LIVE AT FILLMORE WEST 7/4/1977     Side 1: ?/ Who Do You Love/ Fresh Air
Side 2: ?/ Empty Words/ The Truth/ Roadrunner
LIVE AT WINTERLAND. S.F., 2/23/1970 LES DISQUES DU PORCUPINE   Side 1: Fresh Air (4:00)/ Pride Of Man (4:00)/ Mona (8:50)
Side 2: Acapulco Gold & Silver (4:30)/ Mojo (7:30)/ Subway (7:15)/ Edward (concise version) (1:30)
LIVE FILLMORE EAST JUNE '68 DEADLAND PRODUCTIONS   Side 1: Back Door Man (4:31)/ Gold & Silver (12:26)/ Codeine (6:55)
Side 2: The Fool (12:52)/ Smokestack Lightning (10:40)/ Your Time Will Come (4:20)
LIVE IN NEW YORK BLACK PANTHER BPCD 046 Fillmore East, New York June 3 1968 Backdoor Man/ Gold & Silver/ Smokestack Lightning/ Dino s Song/ The Fool/ Who Do You Love/ Mona (Time 67:08)
LIVE IN SAN FRANCISCO 1966-1968 LIVING LEGEND RECORDS LLR CD 011 Tracks 1-5, Avalon 1966
Track 6, Fillmore East, June 3, 1968
Tracks 7-9, Winterland, March 1968
Pride Of Man/ Smokestack Lightning/ Codine/ Gold And Silver/ Hoochie Coochie Man/ Back Door Man/ The Fool/ Light Your Windows
LIVE IN SAN JOSE 1967 DR 009   All Night Worker/ I Hear You Knockin'/ Your Time Will Come/ Smokestack Lightning/ Who Do You Love/ Back Door Man/ Gold And Silver/ Codine/ The Fool
LIVE IN SAN JOSES 1966 DIR-15 San Jose September 1966
* October 1966
All Night Worker (3:40)/ Walking Blues (3:20)/ I Hear You Knocking (3:34)/ Mona (11:11)*/ Your Time Will Come (6:28)/ Smokestack Lighting (9:27)/ Who Do You Love (8:36)
MARIN COUNTY COWBOYS - THE ULTIMATE ANTHOLOGY VOLUME 1 DEEP SIX-23/24 CD1 tracks 1-8 Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco September 9 1966
CD1 tracks 9-13 Pacific High Studios, San Francisco 1966
CD1 tracks 14-16 Matrix, San Francisco March 19 1967
CD1 track 18 Monterey Pop Festival June 17 1967
CD1 track 19 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco September 14 1967
CD2 tracks 1-2 Fillmore West, San Francisco November 7 1968
CD2 tracks 3-4 Fillmore West, San Francisco November 8 1968
CD2 tracks 5-8 Fillmore East, NYC June 7 1968
CD2 track 9 extra long version - studio and live 1968
CD2 track 10 Winterland, San Francisco January 31 1968
CD1: Avalon Ballroom Radio Spot/ Stand By Me/ Babe I'm Gonna Leave You/ Pride Of Man/ Smokestack Lightning/ Codeine/ Gold And Silver/ Hootchie Cootchie Man/ If You Live/ Too Long/ Who Do You Love/ Walkin' Blues/ Codeine/ You Don't Love Me/ Duncan & Brady/ Instrumental/ Dandelion/ If You Live/ Hey Mama (Keep Your Big Mouth Shut)/ Camaro Radio Spot
CD2: Blues Jam/ Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You/ Mona/ Maiden Of The Cancer Moon, Calvary/ Light Your Windows/ Dinos Song/ Dino's Song/ Backdoor Man/ Who Do You Love Suite/ Edward The Mad Shirt Grinder
MEMORY OF CHESTER & JC TENDOLAR TDR-055 Tracks 1-3 & 12 Fillmore West June 1968
Tracks 4-5 live September 1967
Tracks 6-10 finished studio outs from unreleased second Copperhead LP for RCA
Track 11 Terry & The pirates, Studio Out 1972
Tracks 13-14 From 1975 reunion LP
Fresh Air/ Subway/ Mojo/ Dino's Song/ Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You/ Putting It To You/ Drunken Irish Setter/ Bigalow 6-9000/ California Blues/ Chameleon/ Angie/ Mona/ The Letter/ Heebie Jeebies
NEW YEARS EVE '67 - '68 WBRCD 891108 Winterland, San Francisco December 31 1967 Who Do You Love/ Instrumental Blues/ Smokestack Lightning/ It's Been Too Long/ Back Door Man/ Dino's Song/ Mona/ New Year's Eve
PRAIRIE ROSE WORLD PRODUCTIONS OF COMPACT MUSIC WPOCM 0289 D 015 2 Fillmore East, New York June 1968 Backdoor Man (4:08)/ Gold And Silver (11:50)/ Smokestack Lightning (10:07)/ Dino's Song (3:17)/ The Fool (12:55)/ Who Do You Love (12:00)/ Mona (11:26)
RECORDED LIVE IN SAN JOSE GROUCHO RECS. MARX 38502 September 1966 Side 1: All Night Worker (3:40)/ Walkin Blues (3:30)/ I Hear You Knockin (3:45)/ Mona (11:10) (recorded October 1966)
Side 2: Your Time Will Come (6:30)/ Smokestack Lightning (9:50)/ Who Do You Love (9:00)
SMOKESTACK LIGHTNING MOBY DICK RECORDS MDCD 002 Tracks 1-4 Fillmore West 1968 Tracks (1-3 (16:30) different to 'Happy Trails' LP versions. Track 4 previously unreleased version (13:40)
Tracks 5-7 Golden State Recorders November 19 1968 (Track 5 previously unreleased outtake of single A-side. Tracks 6-7 previously unreleased outtakes)
Mona/ Maiden Of The Cancer Moon/ Cavalry/ Smokestack Lightning/ Stand By Me/ Cavalry/ Happy Trails
SMOKIN SOUND DINOSAUR PREHISTORIC RECORDINGS DNS 95002 Tracks 1-4 Winterland December 7-10 1968
Tracks 5-6 Golden State Recorders, San Francisco August 1968
Mona, Maiden Of The Cancer, Calvary (18:25)/ Smokestack Lightning (15:01)/ Who Do You Love (27:04)/ Suzie (4:43)/ I Get In Trouble (2:05)/ Stand By Me (4:18)
SUMMER OF '68 BLUE KNIGHT RECORDS BKR 33 Tracks 1-5 Fillmore East, New York June 1968
Tracks 6-9 Pacific High Studios 1968
Light Your Windows (2:09)/ Dino's Song (3:37)/ The Fool (13:25)/Who Do You Love (12:48)/ Mona (11:49)/ Smokestack Lightning (10:48)/ Codine (6:01)/ Back Door Man (4:30)/ Acapulco Gold And Silver (12:01)
TRIBUTE TO JESSE FARROW AMAZING KORNYFONE RECORDS Tracks 1-5 'What About Me' outtakes, Wally Heider Studios S.F. 1970
Tracks 6-9 live at Calibration Show 1971
Won't Kill Me (2:35)/ All In My Mind (3:54)/ Good Old R&R (2:41)/ What About Me Revisited (3:57)/ Local Colour (3:05)/ Mojo/ Fresh Air (7:08)/ What About Me (6:14)/ The Hat (9:41)
TRIBUTE TO JESSE FARROW RRLP 2077 'What About Me' outtakes, Wally Heider Studios S.F. 1970
* live at Calibration Show 1971
Side 1: Won't Kill Me (2:35)/ All In My Mind (3:54)/ Good Old R&R (2:41)/ What About Me Revisited (3:57)/ Local Colour (3:05)/ Mojo#
Side 2: Fresh Air (7:08)*/ What About Me (6:14)*/ The Hat (9:41)*

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