





2 SUPERNATURAL EVENINGS WITH CARLOS EURO BOOTS EB-50 1/2 CD1-CD2 tracks 1-3 Paris January 29 2000
CD2 tracks 4-18, Pasadena California April 8 2000
CD1: Intro/ Yaleo/ Migra/ Love Of My Life/ Put Your Lights On/ Africa Bamba/ Day Of Celebration/ Victory Is Won/ Maria, Maria/ Karl & Raul, Benny Percussion Solo/ Rodney Bass Solo/ Soul Sacrifice, Bacalao Con Pan/ Drum Solo (Time 70:26)
CD2: Oye Como Va/ Medley: Apache, Smooth/ Jingo (with Toure Kunda)/ Yaleo/ Interview With Sarah Mclachlan/ Angel (with Sarah Mclachlan)/ Primavera/ Interview With Lauryn Hill/ Do You Like The Way (with Lauryn Hill and Cee-Lo)/ Day Of Celebration/ Victory Is Won/ Interview With 'The Product G&B'/ Maria, Maria (with 'The Product G&B')/ Apache (with Wayne Shorter)/ Interview With Rob Thomas/ Smooth (with Rob Thomas)/ Soul Sacrifice, Oye Como Va/ Right On Be Free (with all except Lauryn Hill) (Time 72:27)



Sunrise, Florida April 19 1988

Everybody s Everything/ Black Magic Woman/ Gypsy Queen/ Oyo Como Va/ Samba Pa Ti/ Batuka/ No One To Depend On/ Spirits Dancing In The Flesh/ Healer/ Smooth Criminal/ Europa/ Cloud Nine/ Soul Sacrifice/ Once It's Gotcha
BAILA ML HERMANA BEECH MARTEN BM 082/3   CD1: Samba De Sausalito (3:57), Se A Cabo (5:19) (Tokyo 1973)/ Black Magic Woman (3:38), Gypsy Queen (3:23), Blues Prelude (1:50), Time Waits For No One (3:58), Give And Take (5:07), Incident At Neshabur (7:37), Para Los Rumberos (4:20) (Orlando)/ Gitano (6:29) (Beacon Theatre New York 1975)/ Carnival (2:16), Let The Children Play (5:43) (Hammersmith Odeon London 1985)/ Dance Sister Dance (8:23), Revelations (5:07), Soul Sacrifice (12:27) (Hammersmith Odeon London 1976)
CD2: Oye Come O Va (4:53), Maria Carasoles (4:27), Let Me (4:56), Samba Pa Ti (11:07) (Hammersmith Odeon London 1976)/ Zulu (4:26), Jugando (3:18), I'll Be Waiting (3:59), Evil Ways (4:22), Europa (6:11), Batuka (1:34), No One To Depend (2:50), Intro (1:52), She's Not There (4:34), Toussaint L'Ouverture (7:23), Oneness (5:27), Transcendence (5:24) (Palladium Theatre NYC 1978)
CD3: Hold On (4:51) (Montreal 1982)/ Winning (4:25) (Cape Cod 1985)/ Brotherhood (3:13), Primera Invasion (2:11), Open Invitation (5:57), Them Changes (7:22), Songs Of Freedom (4:36), Waiting (2:31) (Madison Square Gardens New York 'Crack Down Concert' 1987)/ Everybody's Everything (3:46), Batuka (3:54), Spirits Dancing In The Flesh (5:22), Healer (5:30), Smooth Criminal (7:24), Cloud Nine (4:36), Once It's Gotcha (4:55) (20th anniversary reunion April 19 1988)/ Mother Earth (6:36) (Rio De Janero Rock In Rio On February 1991)
COLLECTOR'S ITEM CBM 3553 1971 Side 1: Persuasion/ Soul Sacrifice
Side 2: Evil Ways/ Medley: Shades Of Times; Jingo
COLLECTOR'S ITEM VOL. 2 CBM Last night at Fillmore West Side 1: Instrumental (5:40)/ You Just Don't Care (5:26)/ Every Day Of My Life (7:10)
Side 2: Waiting (6:14)/ Treat (9:16)/ Gumbo (4:25)
CRICKETS & ANGELS TKRWM 1809   Side 1: Going Home/ Black Magic Woman/ Gypsy Queen/ Oye Como Va/ Incident At Neshabur
Side 2: Soul Sacrifice/ Samba Pa Ti
EROS PRIVATE MASTER PM 034/035 Budokan, Tokyo, Japan July 6 1973 CD1: Meditation/Going Home/ A-1 Funk/ Every Step Of The Way/ Black Magic Woman/ Gypsy Queen/ Oye Come VA/ Japan Soul, Lene Leile/ Bambele, Hun Hun Hun/ Yours Is The Light/ Batuka/ Xibaba/ Stone Flower (introduction)/ Waiting/ Castillos De Arena (part 1)/ Free Angela/ Samba De Sausalito
CD2: Mantra/ Kyoto (drum solo)/ Castillos De Arena (part 2) (Sand Castle)/ Light Of Fire/ Se A Cabo/ Savor/ Creato R/ Se A Cabo (reprised)/ Kyoto II (conga solo)/ Toussaint L’Ouverture/ Birthday Song (to Michael Shrieve)/ Samba Pa T/ Incident At Neshabur (Let Us Go Into The House Of Lord)/ Outroduction
FLAKO DE '57 SPORTSHIRT TAKRL 1934 Live Side 1: Persuasion/ Treat/ Soul Sacrifice (21:00)
Side 2: Same as above due to a mistake in pressing
GIPSY GUITAR THE WELFARE PIG RECORDS TWP -CD 209 USA 1980's Medley: Black Magic Woman, Gipsy Queen (6:25)/ Oye Como Va (4:14)/ Hold On (4:40)/ Medley: Evil Ways, No One To Depend On (6:33)/ She's Not There (4:32)/ Winning (4:22)/ Spirit (5:24)/ Soul Sacrifice (13:18)
GREATEST HITS CP717   Side 1: Everybody's Everything/ No One To Depend On/ Taboo/ Evil Ways/ Persuasion/ Black Magic Woman
Side 2: You Just Don't Care/ Mother's Daughter/ Hope You're Feeling Better/ Oye Como Va/ Shades Of Time/ Savor
HOT & ALIVE TMOQ 71073 Last night at Fillmore West Side 1: Instrumental (5:40)/ You Just Don't Care (5:26)/ Every Day Of My Life (7:10)
Side 2: Waiting (6:14)/ Treat (9:16)/ Gumbo (4:25)
JAZZ NIGHT WATCH TOWER WT 2001013/14 Pinede Gould, Antibes, France July 22 1988 (With Wayne Shorter) CD1: Serpentine Fire/ Untitled/ Incident At Neshabur/ Shhh/ Fireball 2000, Jose 'Chepito' Areas, Armando Peraza/ Goodness And Mercy
CD2: Sanctuary/ For Those Who Chant/ Mandela/ Once It's Gotcha/ Elegant People/ Alphonso Johnson, Cavatina
JOURNEY INTO THE UNIVERSE MAIN STREAM MSBR-035 Denver Coliseum, Denver, CO September 28 1971 Batuka (3:13)/ No One To Depend On (5:23)/ Taboo (5:51)/ Se A Cabo (2:10)/ Waiting (2:12)/ Incident At Neshabur (4:51)/ Black Magic Woman, Gypsy Queen (5:55)/ Oye Como Va (4:03)/ Marbles (11:39)/ Toussaint L’Ouverture (4:55)/ Evil Ways (4:58)/ Para Los Rumberos (3:06)/ Soul Sacrifice (includes percussion solo) (17:33) (Time 75:48)
LIVE     Side 1: Old Nick/ Satan/The Evil One
Side 2: Devil/ How Nasty/ Hellish Crew
LIVE AT SUNRISE THE SWINGIN' PIG RECORDS TSP-CD-123 Sunrise, Florida April 19 1988 Everybody's Everything/ Black Magic Woman/ Gypsy Queen/ Oye Como Va/ Samba Pa Ti/ Batuka/ No One To Depend On/ Spirits Dancing In The Flesh/ The Healer/ Smooth Criminal/ Europa/ Cloud Nine/ Soul Sacrifice/ Once It's Gotcha
LIVE IN MATRIX - 13 NOVEMBER 1968 BLACK PANTHER BPCD 004 San Francisco Jingo Revisited/ Go Passing By/ Soul Sacrifice/ Waiting Medley Jam (Time 36:45)
LIVE IN SAN FRANCISCO 1970 EARLY YEARS O2-CD-3332   Se A Cabo (4:02)/ Black Magic Woman, Gypsy Woman. Savour, Jingo (15:38)/ Oye Como Va (5:16)/ Hope You're Feeling Better (4:13)/ Toussaint L'Ouverture, Evil Always (8:50)/ Persuasion (2:32)/ Soul Sacrifice (14:47)/ Encore (7:21)
LORELEY FESTIVAL SOUNDS OF THE BOARD TV broadcast. Freilichtbuhne, Loreley, Germany June 21 1998 CD1: Bacalao Con Pan/ Day Of Celebration/ Exodus/ Get Up Stand Up (With Dave Matthews Band)/ Spiritual/ Yalaeo/ Right On/ Get On
CD2: Savor/ Love, Devotion And Surrender/ Get In Your Soul/ Mumbo Jumbo/ Jingo/ One Fine Morning
MICHIGAN OH BOY 1-9158 Michigan 1975 Black Magic Woman/ Oye Como Va/ Time Keeps Moving On/ Instrumental/ Soul Sacrifice (Time 49:36)
OYE COMO, CARLOS TENDOLAR TDR-057 Tracks 1-9 Orlando 1974
Tracks 10-12 outtakes from the first two LPs
Black Magic Woman/ Gypsy Queen/ Oye Como Va/ Blues Prelude/ Give And Take/ Waits For No One/ Neshabur/ Los Rumberos/ Soul Sacrifice/ Persuasion/ As The Years Go By/ Milegra (Time 68:37)
PACIFIC COAST REHEARSELS WPOCM 058900252 Live rehearsals April 1969 Opening Jam (8:06)/ An Go Lo Ba (0:19)/ Persuasion (4:54)/ As The Years Go By (3:18)/ El Corazon Manda (5:51)/ Closing Jam (7:58)
REUNION MAIN STREAM MSBR 37 Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, CA August 17 1986 Introduction (1:51)/ Intro, Se A Cabo (11:47)/ Black Magic Woman, Gypsy Queen (7:39)/ Oye Come Va (5:55)/ Jingo (includes percussion solo) (9:05)/ Everybody (9:21)/ Soul Sacrifice (19:25)/ Toussaint L’Ouverture (5:45) (Time 70:47)
SANTANA LIVE   Tracks 1-2 & 7 1968
Tracks 3 & 6 San Francisco November 13 1968
Tracks 4-5 & 8 San Francisco April 22 1970
Jingo/ Shades Of Time/ Soul Sacrifice/ You Just Don't Care/ Every Day Of My Life/ Waiting/I Savor/ Gumbo (Time 53:54)
SHAKIN' YOUR MONEY MAKER FLAGGE L. Festhalle, Frankfurt, Germany 1/7/1980 (With Jimmy Page) CD1: Hannibal/ All I Ever Wanted/ Tales Of Kilimanjaro, Gypsy Queen/ Oye Como Va/ Just In Time To See The Sun/ Incident At Neshabur/ Lightning In The Sky/ Percussion Solo/ Aqua Marine/ Savor/ Jingo
CD2: You Just Don't Care/ Europe/ Well All Right/ Runnin'/ Soul Sacrifice/ Open Invitation/ Samba Pa Ti/ She's Not There
CD3: Transcendence/ Shake Your Money Maker/ Evil Ways
SINGING WINDS CRYING BEASTS KURLY 5006/7 Fillmore East 1970 Overture/ You Just Don't Care/ Every Day Of My Life/ Waiting/ Gumbo/ Evil Ways/ Shades Of Time/ Savor/ Jingo/ Persuasion/ Soul Sacrifice
SPIRIT GHOST RECORDS SPAC 4196/BAC 771 Ahoy, Rotterdam 4 & 6/6/84  
WELCOME BACK HOME KISSES DELUXE KISS NO. 19 Bayu, California 1992 Spirits/ Somewhere In Heaven/ Live Is For Living/ Samba Pa Ti/ Aqua Que Va/ Free All The People/ Black Magic Woman/ Oye Como Va (Time 67:35)

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