







Arnhem April 4 1992

Desperate Cry/ Troops Of Doom/ Crucifixion/ Escape To The Void/ Murder/ Subtraction/ Altered States/ Under Siege/ Primitive Future/ Drug Me/ Orgasmatron/ Dead Embryonic Cells/ Beneath The Remains (Time 48:20)
BRAZILIAN NIGHT BANZAI BZCD 019 Live in Brazil Refuse, Resist (4:29)/ Territory (4:39)/ Mark Didn't Know (2:54)/ Slave New World (3:22)/Amen (6:35)/ Furina (2:08)/Altered State (5:42)/We Who Are Not As Others (4:00)/ Propaganda (3:48)/Anti Cop (2:45)/ Murder (2:48)/ Beneath The Remains (2:11)/ Escape To The Void (1:47)/ Nomad (4:46)/ Clenched Fist (3:54)/ Biotech Is Godzilla (2:00)/ Dead Embryonic Cells (5:39)/ Crucifixion (2:16)/Arise (3:16)/ Policia (3:05)
EUROPE 1991 RARITIES & FEW RFCD 1240 European tour 1991 Intro-Arise (3:38)/ Inner Self (4:58)/ Mass Hypnosis (4:40)/ Mass Hypnosis (4:40)/ Dead Embryonic Cells (4:46)/ Desperate Cry (6:52)/ Troops Of Doom (3:23)/ Altered State (5:12)/ Subtraction (5:12)/ Slaves Of Pain (4:01)/ guitar solo (2:01)/ Under Siege (5:22)/ Orgasmatron (4:39)/ Beneath The Remains (4:28)/ Symptom Of The Universe (5:07)/ Infected Voice (3:17)/ Policia (2:07)
LIVE CHAOS 93   Dienze, Belgium November 29 1993 Refuse-Resist (4:05)/Territory (4:45)/ Innerself (2:50)/ Slave New World (2:44)/ Amen (6:49)/ Destroy (2:07)/ Beneath The Remains (2:10)/ Mass Hypnosis (1:18)/ Under Siege (5:43)/ Instrumental (3:40)/ Nomad (5:11)/ Propaganda (3:36)/ Antichrist (2:59)/ Murder (5:07)/ Crucifixion (3:27)/ Biotech Is Godzilla (1:58)/ Dead Embryonic Cells (4:44)/ Slaves Of Pain (2:13)/ Arise (3:11)
LIVE DEGRADATION STAY SHARP RECORDS STS70516 Japan 1993 Refuse, Resist/ Territory/ Troops Of Doom/ Slave New World/ Medley: Amen, Innerself/Altered State/ We Who Are Not As Others/ Propaganda/ Nomad/ Beneath The Remains/ Escape To The Void/ Anticops/ Murder/ Clenched Fist/ Biotech Is Godzilla/ Dead Embryonic Cells/ Crucificado Pelo Sistema/ Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing/ Arise/ Policia
LIVE VOLTAGE METAL CRASH MECD 2070 Uhuenisto, Sameenlinna, Finland July 6 '9
* Dynamo Club, Eindhoven 1990
Mass Hypnosis/ Dead Embryonic Cells/ Desperate Cry/ Troops Of Doom/ Altered State/ Slaves Of Pain/ Under Siege/ Orgasmatron/ Beneath The Remains/ Policia/ Inner Self/ Slaves Of Pain*/ Beneath The Remains*/ Sarcastic Existence
NAILBOMB KISS THE STONE KTS 313 Europe June 4 1994 Refuse-Resist (4:34)/ Territory (5:03)/ Troops Of Doom (1:41)/ Slave New World (2:36)/ Propaganda (3:20)/ Mass Hypnosis (4:03)/ Inner Self (4:43)/ Manifest, Nomad (8:12)/ Nomad (reprise) (2:01)/ Kiowa’s (3:16)/ Arise (3:11)/ Orgasmatron (3:38)/ Policia (2:50)
PAIN & HATE KOBRA RECORDS KRHM 11 Tracks 1-14 Stockholm, Sweden June 26 1996
Tracks 15-20 Donnington Festival, England August 17 1996
Intro, Roots Bloody Roots/ Spit/ Territory/ Breed Apart/ Attitude/ Dusted/ Desperate Cry/ Escape To The Void/ We Who Are Not As Others/ Straight Hate/ Medley: Arise, Dead Embryonic Cells/ Slave New World/ Refuse - Resist/ Ratamahatta/ Territory/ Breed Apart/ Straight Hate/ Medley: Arise, Dead Embryonic Cells/ Ambush/ Biotech Is Godzilla
SAO PAOLO'S FAVOURITE SONS SEP 002 Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles 1994, Rio De Janeiro Jan 22 1994 Refuse, Resist/ Territory/ Troops Of Doom/ Antichrist/ Desperate Cry/ Amen/ Innerself/ Arise/ We Who Are Not As Others/ Propaganda/ Bio Tech Is Godzilla/ Dead Embryonic Cells/ Crucifados Delo Systema/ Orgasmatron/ Policia
SET US FREE MOONRAKER 155 The Naval Museum, Stockholm, June 26 1996 Roots Bloody Roots/ Spit/ Territory/ Breed Apart/ Attitude/ Dusted/ Interlude/ Escape To The Void/ Ambush/ Straighthate/ Arise/ Slave New World/ Refuse, Resist/ Ratamahatta/ Bonus tracks From Canal + French TV, May 29 1996: Roots Bloody Roots/ Ratamahatta (Time 62:57)
TALES FROM THE CRYPT ROCKDREAMS ROCKS 92028 Arnhem, Rijnhal April 24 1992 Desperate Cry/ Troops Of Doom/ Crucifixion/ Escape To The Void/ Murder/ Subtraction/ Altered State/ Slaves Of Pain/ Under Siege (Regnum Irae)/ Primitive Future/ Drug Me/ Orgasmatron/ Dead Embryonic Cells/ Beneath The Remains
TRIBAL DANCE MELTDOWN ML 91609 Noorderlight, Tilburg, Holland June 7 1991 Intro/ Arise/ Inner Self/ Mass Hypnosis/ Dead Embryonic Cells/ Desperate Cry/ Troops Of Doom/ Altered State/ Subtraction/ Slaves Of Pain/ Guitar Solo/ Under Siege/ Orgasmatron/ Beneath The Remains/ Symptom Of The Universe/ Infected Voice/ Policia (Time 68:38)
WELCOME TO THE END OF THE WORLD KISS THE STONE KTS 279 November 1993 Intro, Refuse, Resist/ Territory/ Troops Of Doom/ Slave New World/ In The Name Of God, Inner Self/ Altered State/ We Who Are Not As Others/ Propaganda/ Nomad/ Beneath The Remains/ Escape To The Void/ Anti Cop/ Murder, Guitar Solo/ Clenched Fist/ Biotech Is Godzilla/ Dead Embryonic Cells/ Crucifados Delo Systema / Arise/ Policia (Time 70:22)

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