Smith, Patti






ASK THE ANGELS TENDOLAR TDR-064 Tracks 1 -5 live at Sony Music Studios 1997
Tracks 6-12 Paris 1878
Walkaway/ Wing And A Prayer/ Southern Cross/ About A Boy/Power For The People/ Ask The Angles/ 25th Floor/ Pumping (My Heart)/ On To Victory/ Set Me Free/ Because The Night/ Gloria (Parts 1 & 2)
BENEATH THE SOUTHERN CROSS TR007-TRYSTAR Adelaide, Australia 1998 People Have Power/ The Wicked Messenger/ Foot Note To Hell/ Dancing Barefoot/ Because The Night/ Beneath The Southern Cross/ Dead City/ Rock And Roll Nigger/ Keep On Rockin In The Free World


TAKRL 1982

LA's Roxy Theatre January 30 1976

Side 1: Real Good Time Together/ Watching The Breeze/ Strained On Strange/ Kimberley/ Redondo Beach/ Linger On; Louie Louie (26:30)
Side 2: The Smooth Stone Beyond/ Radio Ethiopia/ Gloria In Excelsis Deo/ My Generation (24:10)
DEAD CITY LIMITED EMOTIONS LTDE-004 Tracks 1-8 Bowery Ballroom, New York February 10 2000
Tracks 9-13 Pistoia Blues Festival July 1999
Do Not Say Nothing/ Gones Pie/ Dead City/ Beneath The Southern Cross/ Glitter In Their Eyes/ Gung Ho/ Dancing Barefoot/ People Have The Power/ Free Money/ The Wicked Messenger/ Beneath The Southern Cross/ Wing/ Redondo Beach (Time 65:23)
FLASHES IN MY DREAMS (WATER FESTIVAL) CRYSTAL CAT RECORDS CC 411/12 Riddarholmen, Stockholm, Sweden August 9 1996 CD1: Wing (4:33)/ Beneath The Southern Cross (5:39)/ Redondo Beach (4:36)/ Wicked Messenger (4:09)/ Ghost Dance (4:35)/ Dancing Barefoot (5:04)/ Crystal Ship (2:58)/ When Doves Cry (2:25)/ Love Of The Common People (3:13)/ About A Boy (11:19)
CD2: Ain't It Strange (6:21)/ Not Fade Away (4:42)/ Poem: People (10:21)/ Gloria (2:39)/ Free Money (4:04)/ Gone Again (3:56)/ Wild Leaves (4:23)/ Because The Night (3:24)
FREE MUSIC STORE BRAND NEW BEAT 911001 WBAI Studio, New York City May 28 1975 We're Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together/ Hunter Captured By The Game/ Birdland/ Redondo Beach/ Son Of Space Monkey/ Snowball/ Land/ Break It Up/ Gloria/ Scheherazade/ Aisle Of Love/ Piss Factory/ Horses
FREE MUSIC STORE CHAPTER ONE 25161 WBAI Radio, NY May 28 1975 Ware Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together/ Hunter Captured By Game/ Birdland/ Redondo Beach/ Son Of A Space Monkey/ Snowball/ Land/ Break It Up/ Gloria
FREE MUSIC STORE 1975 783   Side 1: Space Monkey/ Snowball/ Distant Fingers/ Break It Up/ Things Just Ain't The Same
Side 2: Birdland/ Medley: Gloria; The Story Of Patty Smith Group/ Take This Woman To Be Your Wife
GOOD FRIDAY. PART 1 DEATH 528   Side 1: Free Money/ Pale Blue Eyes/ Louie Louie/ Ask The Angels/ Time Is On My Side
Side 2: Pumping/ Ain't It Strange/ Gloria
HARD NIPPLES ZAP 7882 Live with John Cale Side 1: Real Good Time Together/ Rap/ I Keep A Close Watch/ Strained On Strange/ Free Money
Side 2: Linger On/ Louie Louie/ Smooth Stone Beyond/ Gloria/ My Generation
HARD NIPPLES TAKRL 903 Live with John Cale Side 1: Real Good Time Together/ Rap/ I Keep A Close Watch/ Strained On Strange/ Free Money
Side 2: Linger On/ Louie Louie/ Smooth Stone Beyond/ Gloria/ My Generation
I NEVER TALKED TO BOB DYLAN STONED RECORDS SR002-CD Konzerthaus, Stockholm October 3 1976 We're Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together/ Redondo Beach/ Free Money/ Pale Blue Eyes/ Ask The Angles/ Ain't It Strange/ Time Is On My Side/ Radio Ethiopia/ Gloria: In Excelsis Deo/ Land
I NEVER TALKED TO BOB DYLAN STONED 2 Konzerthaus, Stockholm October 3 1976 Side 1: We re Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together (2:09)/ Redondo Beach (3:30)/ Free Money (3:27)/ Pale Blue Eyes (4:58)/ Ask The Angels (2:51)/ Ain't It Strange (7:57)
Side 2: Time Is On My Side (3:29)/ Medley: Radio Ethiopia; Gloria In Excelsis Deo (16:12)/Land (6:01)
IN HEAT FLAT 8240 Washington DC 1976 Side 1: We're Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together/ Kimberley/ Redondo Beach/ Hey Joe
Side 2: Pale Blue Eyes/ Louie Louie/ My Generation/ Piss Factory (studio)
IN HEAT TAKRL 912 Washington DC 1976 Side 1: We're Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together/ Kimberley/ Redondo Beach/ Hey Joe
Side 2: Pale Blue Eyes/ Louie Louie/ My Generation/ Piss Factory (studio)
LES ANNEES POP ACOUSTIC ARCHITECT PRODUCTION AA-01 Les Annees Pop, Paris, France May 25 2001 Introduction By Nick Tosches/ Piss Factory/ Boy Cried Wolf/ Beneath The Southern Cross/ Pissing In A River/ Monologue/ Oath/ Jeanne D'Arc/ Because The Night/ Sea Of Love/ O Mort Ou Est Ta Victoire/ Pale Blue Eyes/ Land Of A Thousand Dances/ Dancing Barefoot/ Wild Leaves/ People Have The Power (Time 69:20)
LET'S DEODORIZE THE NIGHT STRANGE IDOLS MUSIC VM-122875-A The Bottom Line, New York City December 28 1975 My Mafia/ Nigger Book/ Sally/ Rape/ I Was Working Real Hard/ We're Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together/ Privilege (Set Me Free)/ Ain't It Strange/ Space Monkey/ Redondo Beach/ Free Money/ Pale Blue Eyes, Louie Louie/ Pumping (My Heart)/ Land, Gloria/ Birdland/ Time Is On My Side/ My Generation/ Dedication (Time 76:54)
LIVE AT BOTTOM LINE 50-153Y 1975 broadcast Side 1: We're Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together/ Set Me Free/ Spunky/ Redondo Beach/ Free Money/ Blue Eyes; Louie Louie (20:13)
Side 2: Matia/ Birdland/ Horses; Gloria/ Time Is On My Side/ My Generation (23:30)
LIVE AT CBGB'S SWINGIN' PIG TSP CD 211-2 CBGB'S, New York City 1979 CD1: Glass Factory/ Redondo Beach/ Song For Jim Morrison/ Kimberley/ Dancing Barefoot/ Space Monkey/ Privilege (Set Me Free)/ 25th Floor/ Cold Turkey/ For Your Love/ Revenge
CD2: Frederick/ Seven Ways Of Going/ Poppies/ All Along The Watchtower/ Spider And Fly 1985/ So You Want To Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star/ 5-4-3-2-1/ Twist And Shout/ My Generation
LIVE IN LONDON SE 2-7720 London Roundhouse May 1976 Side 1: Histories Of The Universe (8:54) (St. Marks Church 10 1975)/ Free Money (3:45)/ Pissing In The River (4:13)/ Pumping (My Heart) (2:32)
Side 2: Hungerton Interview/ War Is Over (Central Park)/ Piss Factory (10:05)/ Horses (8:22)
Side 3: Rare Radio Interview (14:34)
Side 4: Ain't It Strange (7:35)/ Strange Reprise. Gloria (7:15)/ Time Is On My Side (3:30)
LIVE IN LONDON FARTY XB 001 London Roundhouse May 17 1976
* May 16 1976
Side 1: Real Good Time Together (2:45)*/ Kimberley (4:00)/ Ain't It Strange (7:35)/ Energy (Set Me Free) (3:35)/ Pumping (My Heart) (2:45)
Side 2: Free Money (4:00)/ Pissing In The River (4:35)/ Strange Reprise-Gloria (7:15)/ Time Is On My Side (3:30)*
LIVE IN PARIS 1978 GOLDEN STARS GSCD 1059   Ask The Angels/ 25th Floor/ High On Rebellion/ Till Victory/ Set Me Free/ Because The Night/ Gloria/ Free Money/ I Was Working Real Hard/ Keith Richard's Blues/ I Was Working Real Hard
LIVE UNDERCOVER DYNAMITE STUDIO DS94M081/82 Grugahalle, Essen, Germany April 22 1979 CD1: So You Want To Be (A Rock 'N' Roll Star)/ Star Spangled Banner, Rock 'N' Roll Nigger/ Privilege (Set Me Free)/ Dancing Barefoot/ Redondo Beach/ 25th Floor/ High On Rebellion/ Revenge
CD2: Pumping (My Heart)/ Seven Ways Of Going/ Because The Night/ Frederick/ Jailhouse Rock/ Gloria/ My Generation
NEW YORK 1975 POSTSCRIPT PSCD 1207 WBAI Studio, NY May 28 1975 We're Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together (3:58)/ The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game (4:08)/ Birdland (6:36)/ Redondo Beach (4:13)/ Space Monkey (4:36)/ Snowball (4:29)/ Distant Fingers (5:51)/ Break It Up (3:33)/ Gloria - Scheherazade (11:52)/ Aisle Of Love (3:58)/ Piss Factory (4:51)/ Horses (7:04)
PARIS 78 INVERTED PYRAMID RECS. 774   Side 1: Ask The Angels/ 25th Floor/ High On Rebellion/ Till Victory/ Set Me Free
Side 2: Because The Night/ Gloria/ Free Money/ I Was Working Real Hard/ Keith Richard's Blues/ I Was Working Real Hard
PATHS THAT CROSS ARCHIVE RECORDS CD1 Theatre of Living Arts, Philadelphia Dec. 1995
CD2 Tracks 5-7 & 9-12 Boston December 9 1995
CD2 Tracks 1 & 4 New York December 11 1995
CD2 Track 8 Bethlehem December 13 1995
CD2 Tracks 2-3 & 13 Philadelphia December 17 1995
CD1: Intro/ Piss Factory/ Somalia/ Dancing Barefoot/ Dylan’s Dog/ Dark Eyes/ Southern Cross/ Black Peter/ Not Fade Away/ Ghost Dance/ Because The Night/ Paths That Cross/ People Have The Power/ Farewell Reel/ Jackson’s Song/ About A Boy (Time 64:35)
CD2: Piss Factory/ Horses/ Wicked Messenger/ About A Boy/ Poem, Dancing Barefoot/ Because The Night/ Ghost Dance/ Southern Cross/ Mortal Shoes/ Poem, Rock And Roll Nigger/ Not Fade Away/ Dark Eyes (with Bob Dylan) (Time 74:44)
PATTI SMITH FANTASY DISCOS F7854 LA's Roxy Theatre January 30 1976 Side 1: Real Good Time Together/ Watching The Breeze/ Strained On Strange/ Kimberley/ Redondo Beach/ Linger On; Louie Louie (26:30)
Side 2: The Smooth Stone Beyond/ Radio Ethiopia/ Gloria In Excelsis Deo/ My Generation (24:10)
PHILADELPHIA ROCK FLASHBACK 03.93.0208 Philadelphia 1978 Set Me Free (4:14)/ Till Victory (4:10)/ Rock N' Roll Star (7:43)/ Citizen Ship (5:06)/ Redondo Beach (4:54)/Jailhouse Rock (2:19)/25th Floor (7:13)/ 5-4-3-2-1 (3:27)/ Be My Baby (2:59)/ Because The Night (5:21)/ Frederick (6:12)/ Gloria (6:24)/ Pumping (4:12)/ My Generation (7:38)
PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MONKEY LP783 Free Music Store 1975 Side 1: Space Monkey/ Snowball/ Distant Fingers/ Break It Up/ Things Ain't Just The Same
Side 2: Birdland/ Medley: Gloria. The Story Of PSG/ Take This Woman To Be Your Wife
SHAKE OUT THE GHOST PS 001 Markthalle, Hamburg August 1 1996 Wing/ People Have The Power/ Dancing Barefoot/ Summer Cannibals/ Wicked Messenger/ Ghost Dancer/ Redondo Beach/ Crystal Ship/ When Doves Cry/ Wild Leaves/ Poem: People Have The Power/ Gone Again/ Because The Night/ Set Me Free (Philadelphia 1978)/ Till Victory (Philadelphia 1978) (Time 70:53)
SUPERBUNNY ZAP 7890 Live Side 1: Real Good Time/ Set Me Free/ I Move In Another Attraction/ Kimberley/ Money
Side 2: Redondo Beach/ Pale Blue Eyes/ Things Just Ain't The Same/ Land/ Horses
TEENAGE PERVERSITY AND SHIPS IN THE NIGHT ZAP 7854 LA's Roxy Theatre January 30 1976 Side 1: Real Good Time Together/ Watching The Breeze/ Strained On Strange/ Kimberley/ Redondo Beach/ Linger On; Louie Louie (26:30)
Side 2: The Smooth Stone Beyond/ Radio Ethiopia/ Gloria In Excelsis Deo/ My Generation (24:10)
TELL IT LIKE IT IS KISS THE STONE KTS 628 Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany August 1 1996 Wing (5:07)/ People Have Power (3:55)/ Dancing Barefoot (5:21)/ Summer Cannibals (5:35)/ Wired Messenger (4:26)/ Ghost Dancer (4:37)/ Redondo Beach (4:37)/ Crystal Ship (3:17)/ When Doves Cry (10:45)/ Wild Leaves (4:35)/ People Have The Power (Poem) (2:13)/ Gone Again (3:50)/ Because The Night (3:32)
THE WHITE BITCH COMES GOOD UK3 London 1978 Side 1: Privilege/ Rock & Roll Nigger/ Kimberly/ Space Monkey
Side 2: We Three/ 25th Floor/ It's So Hard/ Ghost Dance
Side 3: Ain't It Strange/ Time Is On Our Side/ Because The Night/ Pumping
Side 4: Easter/ Gloria/ Be My Baby/ My Generation
TO THE ONES SHE LOVES BOND 007 1/2 Philadelphia 1978 Side 1: Set Me Free/ Till Victory/ Rock & Roll Star/ Citizen Ship/ Redondo Beach
Side 2: Poppies/ Hang On To Tomorrow/ Jailhouse Rock/ 25th Floor
Side 3: 5-4-3-2-1/ Be My Baby/ Dancing Barefoot/ Because The Night/ Frederick
Side 4: Kimberly/ Jesus Loves Me/ Gloria/ Pumping/ My Generation
TURN IT UP WRMB 376 Live with John Cale Side 1: Real Good Time Together/ Rap/ I Keep A Close Watch/ Strained On Strange/ Free Money
Side 2: Linger On/ Louie Louie/ Smooth Stone Beyond/ Gloria/ My Generation
WHITE CHRISTMAS/NO JESTERING JASON J-60568   Side 1: White Christmas (studio)
Side 2: No Jestering (Eugene, Ore. 5 1978)
WING AND A PRAYER HEAD Track 1 Old Grey Whistle Test, London 1976
Tracks 2-3 Old Grey Whistle Test, London 1979
Tracks 4-10 San Francisco February 15 1976
Tracks 11-14 Hamilton College, NY September 1976
Track 15 A-Side of Christmas single
Horses, Hey Joe/ Because The Night/ 25th Floor/ We're Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together/ Privilege/ Ain't It Strange/ Kimberly/ Free Money/ Pumping/ Time Is On My Side/ Free Money/ The Boy I'm Going To Marry/ Ask The Angels/ High Over The Hills, Radio Ethiopia/ White Christmas (Time 65:43)
YOU LIGHT UP MY LIFE '78 PSG 44 Santa Monica Civic May 12 1978 Side 1: The Kids Are Alright/ Be My Baby/ Time Is On My Side/ It's Really Hard/ You Light Up My Life (Exs)/ My Generation
Side 2: Rock 'N' Roll Nigger/ Till Victory/ Space Monkey/ 25th Floor/ Because The Night (Exs)

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